Friday, December 2, 2011

Wall Of Gratitude

SOON we will be launching The Wall Of Gratitude on but I wanted to give people the opportunity to send in photos early so that we have some content there when it launches.

If you would like to send in a photo early to be included in the launch date send your photo(s) to or manually type in

What types of photos are we looking for :

Photos of you holding signs that say "Welcome Home" "Thank You" and "You are not alone" anything generally that shows support to our men and women serving and those that have served in the past.  Please do not submit any material that is copyrighted or owned by anyone else (e.g. making a photo from a google image search)

When the Wall Of Gratitude launches on our website you will have the ability to log in with your Facebook and post photos there also.

Please share this post on your FB & Twitter page to help us get the word out.

You may have seen me feature raw footage videos from Afghanistan by my buddy Funker530 well he has made a video to help out with this project and you can view it below and you can also visit his YouTube Channel.

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