Thursday, December 22, 2011

Turning Facebook & Twitter RED on Fridays

 I am not claiming to have started RED FRIDAY it's something I have supported since I first heard about it almost five years ago from "The Red Friday Ladies" on Facebook.  One thing I've always believed in is that arguing over who started something is totally pointless but I've included some history below.

This is not about getting on the Twitter trending topics list, selling shirts or getting donations for other charities.  It is about our service men and women and their families and helping to spread the word about Red Friday.

How you can help spread the word:

Put something like this in your facebook status :

If you are on Twitter  

This is not a contest as to who can do the most #Redfriday tweets you simply post it at least once every Friday to encourage people to wear Red on Fridays, its’ as simple as that.

What is Red Friday? has it linked as “Collected on the internet in 2005″ they also report that in the spring of 2006 Red Fridays in Canada was started by two wives of Canadian forces uou can check out “The Red Friday Ladies” page on Facebook.

I wanted to post the above information as when I post this and attempt to do what this blog is for I don’t want anyone to think i’m trying to claim starting this idea or anything like that. It’s simply an idea to Facebook & Twitter RED on Fridays.

Wikipedia : Red Friday in Canada : People in Canada have worn red on Fridays to show support for troops serving in the Canadian Forces. Red is chosen because it is an official Canadian colour, and historically is a colour of remembrance because it symbolizes the red poppies in Flanders Fields and the loss of life that the country has endured.

Me proudly wearing my RED on a friday with two members of the Canadian Forces

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