Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pepsi can on IRAQ base

I saw this photo posted on a friends wall from a Roland Martinez with the following write up:

FB family I need your help, so today while in Iraq shutting down one of the bases there ironically enough I stumbled upon this can of diet pepsi. Take a close look at the picture and tell me the first thought that comes to your mind. Mine and many other of my brother in arms was not a pleasant one so I just want to make sure we re not bias. If you see the same thing I did, I will never ever buy another Pepsi product again, this is an insult. Thank you for your feedback and participation.

Here is the photo below:

I've also made the image larger so that you can see what this soldier is referring too: 

Please judge for yourselves has posted a response to this on their site.

Pepsi America has also released a statement on their site :
"The can design you're referencing is one of two local Diet Pepsi can designs from our Middle East/Africa region, which was created by a South African design agency. The image was intended to portray the growth of active cities in the region.

We understand from some of our consumers that the design can be misinterpreted, which was never our intention. We have taken action to change the design of the can."

Related Article :
Dubai Refreshments launches special edition Pepsi cans in 50-year celebration
**Thanks to "Auntybrat" for the updates

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