Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thank A Soldier - A New Direction

As you may or may not know the Thank A Soldier cause page has over 4.1 million members from all over the world however with a seperate Facebook application many are inactive members and when I send out bulletins reading how many people read them and share them this has become quite visible.

With the "WALL OF GRATITUDE" launching later this month the ease of sharing photos on our new Facebook page will also be easier and allow users to also share the photos easily on their walls without having to load a separate application to do so.

On our third anniversary I have decided to launch a "Facebook Page" instead for many reasons the biggest one being interaction with members.  I have been posting a few photos on there and the reaction and comments are instant and like what we are seeing with it so far.

It is also much easier to feature links and stories from other military organizations with the click of one button instead of having to type up a bulletin every time I want to share something with you all.  I would rather have a Facebook page of 5000 active members who can click a "Share" button when they see something that interests them rather than have them try and get friends to join an application.

Yes I will continue to use the "Thank A Soldier" cause page but probably only send out bulletins once or twice a month and will be focusing primarily on the "Thank A Soldier Facebook page"

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