Sunday, December 18, 2011

Soldier meets baby for the first time

I received this in my email tonight and was asked to share on the blog page

Welcome home soldier and congratulations

- Dave

"My husband is an Airman in the Unites States Air force & He was gone during the last 6 months of my pregnancy for training. My son was born on December 10th and my husband couldn't make it home until the 13th.

This is a picture of my husband Leigh meeting his son for the first time. He was feeding him for the very first time in this picture. he was 3 days old in the picture and we were still in the hospital. The look on my husbands face was priceless, I think he was the happiest man in the world at this moment. I'm so thankful that my husband got to come home for Christmas" - Roxanne

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