Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Tribute to the troops

As we take the time to celebrate the season with our loved ones, please take a moment to remember our men and women serving on operations all over the world who won't see their families this year.  Please also take a moment to remember those who have lost their lives serving our great countries.

Please enjoy our Christmas tribute to the troops featuring a member of the Canadian Forces MCpl Elton Adams singing "Blue Christmas"

Please also check out "Cassy's Card" & our "Christmas cards for Veterans"  below the video........

Please also take a moment to check out "Cassy's Card" designed by a six year old little girls who's Christmas wish is for "Every Soldier" to see her card for them.

CLICK HERE to see her card

This Christmas we also started "Christmas Cards for Veterans" it started late so I only had time to get the oko from one Veterans hospital to accept cards but there are bigger things in the works for next year.  One veteran got to sneak a peek a few days early too click below for more :

"Christmas Cards for Veterans"
"Veteran gets a sneak peek at the Christmas Cards"

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