Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jacques Poulet - International Chicken of mystery

Jacques Poulet - International Chicken of mystery

A few years ago a friend of mine who had gotten back from Afghanistan told me about a special little chicken that his daughter had sent over with him when he went on tour so he could send her photos and she would know he would be safe.  His daughter named the chicken "Jacques Poulet" and he quickly became very popular so the guys decided to have some fun with it.  All the captions you will see with each photo were sent along with it, enjoy.

Jacques is a auto enthuisist! after Jacques made his first Million selling some poor Polish invester "Golden Eggs", he then went out and bought a new ride! as Jacques put it "Dis Ryde ist so sexy, da ladys' no ow ist da man"

Aw dis place is mine all mine, one day they wilt know who Jacques was, He was da richest Bird in day world

Jacques now has a new Afghan translator. Abdul Mohammed Wha Zoe. He is fluent in 9 languages. Jacques primary role in this part of the world is 1) The war on terrorism and 2) educating people of the value of eating pork. Or as Jacques would say "Puts la Polk on le folk"
Dis es mi ami, he est sexy to no?

This is a photo taken before Jacques was brought in for questioning on an apparent Steroid Scandel, he made a statment though his lawyer. "These Steroid Accus' are absured, I am grain fed, no preservatives here". at the time of the photo at hearing the accusation, he head butted a whooped that windows ass, The bird has rage, and lots of it... You be the judge...
Jacques, Likes da Blings Bling, NO!
Hey What you looki at? I don't inhale..

I am looking for mi frend, have you seen heem? No

Aw der yo are, Mi frend, Ah yes we birdz does have lips! No?
This is a beautiful day when a little girl can smile even when she's in pain. Her name is Mosapha. She is 7. You can't see it but her legs are badaged, and Jacques loves being around her. (The children at the hospital loved Jacques)

Jacques later purchased a larger fleet of army vehicles, when question he said. "Yoo can never bee enuff safe, No?, I likes da one in da tan..."

And they lived happily ever after? 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

I wish all my readers a truly Happy New Year.

New Military Minds YouTube Channel Launched

Yesterday Cpl Chris Dupee launched a NEW YouTube channel that we are 100% behind and proud to help support.  His video "Invisible Wounds" speaking out about PTSD has already helped soldiers struggling with the same things he is in just a few weeks.  I know this personally as I've put a few families in contact with Chris since posting his video on our Twitter page and it's making a difference.

With his new YouTube channel Cpl Dupee is hoping to give veterans a voice and help people dealing with PTSD related and combat stress issues.



- A VOICE FOR VETERANS & Raising funds for Wounded Warriors

SUBSCRIBE NOW and join what may become one of the largest channels on YouTube and it won't cost you a penny!

Check out the MILITARY MINDS website and follow them on TWITTER

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Men Chirashi - scattering of masks (by Horimatsu)

Fred completed his Nagasode sleeve showing a Hannya mask and Yama Tengu mask together with Sakura in wind and water. Very pleased with this one.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Girl tells Santa she wants her dad home for Christmas

This video made my day.


Master... using the Godoy Machines - V3 Model

Manuel Isaias Aceves Servin - known officially as: xmasterx, was born in Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico May 27, 1983. Since he was a kid, he'd always shown great aptitude in drawing... as an adolescent, this art went hand in hand with his playing in a hardcore band and being exposed to heavily tattooed people and the inspiration to learn technique and involve himself in the art.

Through friends, Master met Richi Michel, who at 11 years of tattooing had gained international recognition for his world class tattooing ability. Master bought his first machine right then and there and took a self taught approach for the following 6 months before having job offers and an official apprenticeship from Richi Michel.

In the Richi Tattoo studio he was exposed to the work of Javier Kuatom & Martin Zapo, whose influence helped to direct and to shape Master's career and ability. After 4 years, he operates Blackline Tattoo and travels to national and international conventions entering contests and winning.





We proudly sponsored Master for machines at The Guadalajara tattoo convention where he tied for first place for tattoo of the day. He followed up this win with a few more first places in Mexico City 2 months later! This is a track record that can't be beat...


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Young people making a difference for our soldiers

A lot of the times all we hear is about problems with the youth today id you use Twitter and have a look at trending topics you would think that all young girls are obsessed with nothing but Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga, well I hope this blog may help to change your perception of that.

 I'm going to share with you some stories of some youth doing amazing projects in efforts to make the lives of our currently serving soldiers & injured soldiers a little easier.  Also, I want to introduce you to two youths who are doing something amazing to honour the lives of our fallen soldiers and keep their memory alive.

Pennies For Patriotism - Autumn Haggard :

This started as a school project by a grade five student in Ontario who wanted to do something for injured soldiers returning from deployments around the world.  I did an interview with Autumn for our blog and when I asked her "Why Pennies" she said :

" I chose Pennies for Patriotism because its my way to give back to our Canadian Soldiers. Because of them I have my Freedom and Protection I don't have to live my life in fear!! I have FREEDOM.. These brave Men and Women Fight for me so I fight for them"

Myself and Kevin McHarg from Hero To Hero Team Canada got together and with the help from a friend designed Autumn her very first webpage for Pennies For Patriotism

You can read the full interview with Autumn I did back in February and visit her Facebook page 


Michael & Elizabeth Pratt - A walk to Remember :  Langley Youth For The Fallen - A Walk To Remember was an initiative started by Michael & Elizabeth Pratt as a way for the youth of Langley, B.C to honour of fallen soldiers killed in Afghanistan since 2001.  158 trees (one for each of our fallen soldiers) will be planted along with a Cenotaph showing each of the names.

 Information regarding sponsoring a tree (for $300) can be found on their Facebook page: Langley Youth for the Fallen or by emailing Michael or Elizabeth  

"We don't have any money for advertising or anything like that and so it is entirely by word of mouth. We have about 80 sponsorships so far and so are more than halfway there! We received a lot in the past two weeks leading up to emembrance Day and hope we can keep our momentum going. We had a planting ceremony on November 11th for 71 trees and it went really well." says Elizabeth Pratt  

Cody Jackson - The One Boy USO : Cody Jackson is just eight-years-old, but he's been patriotic almost as long as he can remember.

It all began when, as a four-year-old he asked his parents a simple question, "Why is it so hard to get on a plane?" They felt it was important to tell Cody about September 11th and how that day changed travel for people around the world. They also told him about the wars American men and women were fighting as a result of those attacks.

Ever since then, Cody has has a new passion -- now known as the "One Boy USO"

Two or three times a month, he goes to Hartsfield–Jackson International Airport in Atlanta and thanks returning serviceman and women for their protection.

Cody (and his mom Kelly and dad Ken) would love to hear from you on his Facebook Page where they also collect donations to send care packages to deployed military.

Lexxi Saal :

When Lexxi was twelve years old she wrote a song called "Thank You" dedicated to our men and women in uniform which is acapella and a very powerful song.  I have featured Lexxi's song in our most recent video for "The Wall of Gratitude" (View below)  which will be launching soon on  Lexxi is now taking part in a  "Beat Bullying" tour which you can learn more about by visiting  Lexxi's webpage at Official Lexxi Saal

Cassy's Card : I was checking my emails for Thankasoldier I received this email from a woman in Ontario who told me about her six year old daughter who had created a Christmas Card she wanted to send to soldiers.

"During Christmas break my 6 year old daughter Cassy created the attached card. Now what I think makes it so special is the fact that when she made it she was 1/2 way thru before she said to me " I'm making a Christmas Card for the soldiers Mummy" when I said " That is a great idea honey is this something you are talking about at school." Her answer was "No I just felt like doing it". I was so proud of her and I just had to share it. So I was wondering if you could help me forward it to "the soldiers."

"Do you mean soldiers in Afghanistan? Or do you mean the soldiers here in Toronto?"

I asked Cassy which soldiers she meant and this was her reply.... "I meant the soldiers who have died, and the soldiers in Afghanistan, and the soldiers in Hati, and here and all over the world. I know that we can't guarantee that the dead ones will see it but I want every soldier in the world to see it"  
View Cassy's Card Here 


I hope this blog post gives you as much joy to read it as it did for me to type it up and its stories like these that renew my faith in young people and if you know of anyone doing things that I should add to this feel free to email me

Thank You & Merry Christmas  

Check this out!!!!!!!!!

A Message from Afghanistan

I received this in my email this morning after posting the "Christmas To Our Troops" post earlier with a soldier singing Blue Christmas and had to share with everyone.  I've edited it out this soldiers first name but he asked me if I would share this with all of you.  This is the reason why I do what I do right here, nothing makes my day more than getting emails like this from soldiers.

"To all the members of your "Thank A Soldier" page :

My name is PFC T. Joyce and I am a member of the US ARMY currently stationed in Afghanistan,  This is my first Christmas away from my wife and daughter who just turned four the day before I left for my last deployment which still has about six months left to go in it.  It is rough but going on your webpage and seeing all the messages and photos of support gets us through the day.

I was recently directed to your Facebook page and website and was blown away at all the messages of support.  I was told about it by a member of the Canadian Forces who had received a care package from home and he had brought over some brownies and candy to share with us as this woman had sent him over ten boxes of goods.  This package had came from a Lady in Trenton, Ontario and I'm sorry I don't remember this but maybe if you post this on your website she will see this and know how much her parcels were appreciated.

Another member of my unit prints off some of the photos on your Facebook page and has them up here in our outpost when most of the other guys have girls in bikini's and on motorbikes.  Every day before we go out on our patrols a few of us have a look at them and it gives us that extra boost before we start our day.

I read a post that you put up here yesterday about the day you almost quit your website because of hackers and I just wanted to say all of us are certainly glad you didn't.  My wife has met other military wives due to your Twitter page and without your page she wouldn't have someone to talk to and go through the same things she is going through.

We've heard a lot of bands come through the base and various celebrities come visit the guys on the base but the guys out here on the FOB units we are the forgotten one's most times.  There's eighteen guys in my unit and when we got a box from this ladies shipment we all sat around and it was like our own little Christmas, I never thought I'd see one guy be so excited to see a package of Skittles before in my life but we sure do appreciate the littlest things over here.

Please pass along my message to all your group members and with some of our guys coming home from IRAQ this past week I hope people don't forget that we are still over here and your website and Facebook page certainly help with that.

P.S. We miss your Tim Hortons if you know anyone who could send us some, we would love that!

From the bottom of our hearts - Thank You
PFC T. Joyce  - US ARMY

Christmas Tribute to the troops

As we take the time to celebrate the season with our loved ones, please take a moment to remember our men and women serving on operations all over the world who won't see their families this year.  Please also take a moment to remember those who have lost their lives serving our great countries.

Please enjoy our Christmas tribute to the troops featuring a member of the Canadian Forces MCpl Elton Adams singing "Blue Christmas"

Please also check out "Cassy's Card" & our "Christmas cards for Veterans"  below the video........

Please also take a moment to check out "Cassy's Card" designed by a six year old little girls who's Christmas wish is for "Every Soldier" to see her card for them.

CLICK HERE to see her card

This Christmas we also started "Christmas Cards for Veterans" it started late so I only had time to get the oko from one Veterans hospital to accept cards but there are bigger things in the works for next year.  One veteran got to sneak a peek a few days early too click below for more :

"Christmas Cards for Veterans"
"Veteran gets a sneak peek at the Christmas Cards"

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thank You Hayley Wickenheiser

Most people in Canada will know the name Hayley Wickenheiser as she is one of the best women's hockey players that has ever played for Team Canada at international competitions and is considered the best female hockey player in the world.  She also played on both of the last two gold medal winning teams at the Olympics.

I was browsing around Facebook a few days ago and saw this post on her page :

The first person I thought of was my good friend Murray Marshall who's son Sapper Steven Marshall was killed in Afghanistan in October of 2009.  Stephen grew up playing Minor hockey in Calgary and loved the sport so much so that his father Murray had his Calgary Flames jersey made in to a tribute jersey for him and has people wear it to games to keep his memory alive.  I did up a blog about that you can you read below.

When I contacted Murray to let him know he had won he asked me if I would post it on the site as he wanted to keep his son's memory alive and well and to let more people know about his hockey jersey he had made and also that Stephen will never be forgotten.

Hayley announced on her Facebook page today that Murray Marshall will get to attend the January 5th Bronze Medal game at the World Junior hockey Championships and I couldn't be happier for him.  THANK YOU Hayley for hosting the contest and making the father of a fallen soldiers Christmas a little brighter.

Father Honors sons memory with travelling Flames Jersey

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I love hockey and am a die hard Maple Leafs fan but when Murray asked me if I 'd like to be the first person to wear it to a game I didn't hesitate.  You can read about my night with the Flames jersey on my blog also.

 I would love nothing more than to get to one of these games but when I saw Hayley's post and I knew Murray had just gotten back in town I didn't hesitate to nominate him for tickets and hopefully he will get to take one of Stephens brothers and have a great night out watching the game that their son loved to play.

In March a good friend of mine who goes by @Newfiehun on Twitter also got to spend a night with Stephens Jersey which you can read about here  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Turning Facebook & Twitter RED on Fridays

 I am not claiming to have started RED FRIDAY it's something I have supported since I first heard about it almost five years ago from "The Red Friday Ladies" on Facebook.  One thing I've always believed in is that arguing over who started something is totally pointless but I've included some history below.

This is not about getting on the Twitter trending topics list, selling shirts or getting donations for other charities.  It is about our service men and women and their families and helping to spread the word about Red Friday.

How you can help spread the word:

Put something like this in your facebook status :

If you are on Twitter  

This is not a contest as to who can do the most #Redfriday tweets you simply post it at least once every Friday to encourage people to wear Red on Fridays, its’ as simple as that.

What is Red Friday? has it linked as “Collected on the internet in 2005″ they also report that in the spring of 2006 Red Fridays in Canada was started by two wives of Canadian forces uou can check out “The Red Friday Ladies” page on Facebook.

I wanted to post the above information as when I post this and attempt to do what this blog is for I don’t want anyone to think i’m trying to claim starting this idea or anything like that. It’s simply an idea to Facebook & Twitter RED on Fridays.

Wikipedia : Red Friday in Canada : People in Canada have worn red on Fridays to show support for troops serving in the Canadian Forces. Red is chosen because it is an official Canadian colour, and historically is a colour of remembrance because it symbolizes the red poppies in Flanders Fields and the loss of life that the country has endured.

Me proudly wearing my RED on a friday with two members of the Canadian Forces

The day I almost quit "Thank A Soldier'

It was back in April 2007 that I went on Facebook typed in "Tim Hortons For Our Troops" and saw that there was no groups in existence for sending over coffee to our Canadian Forces in Afghanistan and thats where it all got started.  The numbers began to jump quickly and people wanted to get involved.  After the group was featured on VOCM News in my hometown of St. John's Newfoundland it started to pick up steam.

CityTV Toronto was the big break this little group needed and then the gift certificates started to pour in the Military Family Resource Centre in Toronto, Ontario which was where I lived at that time.  Things were going amazing and then on Wednesday, December 3rd 2008 I attempted to log on to my website at the time and saw this.

My website I had created was shut down by a "Security Company" in Pakistan that wanted me to pay them money to get all my photos and website back, I was devastated.  It felt like everything I had done for the last nineteen months was all gone down the drain. 

I then decided to log on to Facebook chat when I noticed one of my good friends was online who had lost her son in Afghanistan a year previous to this, I told her how upset I was and that I just wanted to give it all up.  I will never forget what she said to me next 

"Dave, I have met some amazing people through your group that have helped me grieve the loss of my son and have met friends of his also, please don't ever shut it down" 

I then thought about our men and women serving and when they have incidents overseas they have to get right back up the next day and continue there mission and that was what I had to do.  On December 8th, five days after my website was shut down I was listening to the song "The Red & White" by Julian Austin that says "Do we take the time to thank a soldier for every thing they do"

With that "Thank A Soldier" was launched.

Full screen shot of what I saw the day I logged in to find my site had been hacked: