By some strange coincidence, this client's name is also Tomas, and he's also having Koi done.
No Sakura on this one, but Momiji instead. I have no preference when it comes to any of the designs. My work is to create the flow and try to maintain the link between Then, Now and Later.
Being a Horishi is merely being a ghost destined to disappear as soon as the last drop of Sumi is inserted into a clients skin. The purpose is to maintain the line, be a keeper of knowledge that hopefully will benefit future Horishi and clients. Being remebered after the action and reaction is gone, seems pointless.
This piece creates itself at an surprising speed. After four sessions we're close to finnished with the black and grey, having our noses up the behind of actual coloring. Can't wait to see what this will look like finnished. I never draw a whole piece on paper beforehand. Some stencils and mostly magic markers. Working like this is almost like having a baby. You won't see the final result until it decides to come out.
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