The creation and realization of Irezumi demands, above all, patience. I've been learning that ever since I first set out on this journey, and it has become a part of daily routine by now. Not only has the Horishi (tattooist) lead by his or hers example, but the client has to pick up the very same ball and run with it.
In Irezumi nothing is ever done in a jiffy. I work pretty fast and always try to squeeze every drop of working blood out of each minute of every session, but still the end result seems lightyears away.
This is where one has better to subdue the eagerness to finnish and simply be content with the moment. Time will as usually fly when you adapt this way of working, not trying to finnish and instead just do. Then you blink and the piece is completed.
Today saw another three hour session on Emanuel's 108 heroes of the Suikoden backpiece and as we approach completeness there is still no way of telling when we'll be done.
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