It has come to my attention tonight that we have been nominated for a SHORTY AWARD in the category of #SOT (Supporting Our Troops) which is a great honour. A few years ago we won a Mashable award for Best non profit use of social media which was amazing and it was shortly after that some very well known people heard about our site and what we do and this would be help us get the word out even more.
If you are a proud member of Thank A Soldier and would like to submit a nomination there are two ways to do it.
To vote go to the SHORTY AWARDS PAGE and type in your own reason why you think our pages and groups are worth of one of this award.
NOTE : When you go to the above page leave the category as OTHER as #SOT is the category

Do not change any of the text that comes up just add something after "I nominate @ThankASoldier for a Shorty Award in #sot because" then add whatever you like after that. If not your vote will not count.
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