Happy New Year! That's right - it's the end of February and I'm just now posting for the first time in 2012. Sorry about that. Hopefully you will enjoy this Batman drawing and forgive me for the lack of attention I've shown the blog.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
MCpl Jody Mitic - The most inspirational veteran I know
As I embark on my new mission to get health I want to share with you the story of the most inspirational person I know, MCpl Jody Mitic - A member of The Canadian Forces who is a TRUE HERO and more of an inspiration to me than I could ever attempt to put in to words but I shall try.
"I realized I must have stepped on something. I freaked out ... I was screaming at the top of my lungs. I was calling (for the others) but they were already working on me to stop the bleeding." Sweating due to shock, he started to shiver. Despite the bone sticking out of his left leg, he kept talking to his guys to keep his mind off the injuries. "My job was to let them help me, stay focused, to control my breathing."
In 1994 I was involved in a mugging and attacked by three guys in Ottawa, Ontario and stabbed 13 times. Two of these wounds cut the muscle in my leg and if it wasn't for two off duty fire fighters who jumped out of their car when they saw me lying on the sidewalk I would have lost my left leg. To this day I still have no nerves in my upper left leg and for years I used it as an excuse to be lazy. Watching a YouTube video about how Jody Mitic was to run a half marathon on prosthetic legs was the kick in the ass I needed to get me going.
You see for years If I walked over 1km I would have severe leg cramps, If I went to the movies I'd have to get up and walk around to not have pains in my leg. That was until I read about Jody.
Two years ago in June, I did the Loops for troops 5km walk and had no pains at all, as I was feeling tired during the walk I thought about Jody and it kept me going. This past June I cut 20 minutes off my time and now walk 5km a day with no problem or pain.
I have said this many times before but THANK YOU JODY as without your inspiration to get going I am not sure what I would be doing right now and I will make you proud!
You can read more about our new project on the Original Post HERE and click below to join our Facebook page
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Follow mine & Chris`s mission on FACEBOOK |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Donate blood in honour of a Fallen Hero
On Feb. 24th 2008 my son, Spc. Micheal “Pokey” Phillips gave his life for freedom. I tell people often to not dwell on that day and how he died but to dwell on how he lived. One thing Micheal often did was to give blood and the gift of life. This year to honor how he lived we are holding the first annual “Spc. Micheal ‘Pokey’ Phillips Memorial Blood Drive”
Yes this started as a local event but many people across the world have come to me saying they would give where they are in his memory. So I am asking you to give the gift of life to honor a man who gave the gift of his life for others.
Please help keep other families from facing the painful path of losing a loved one. If you do choose to give the gift of life in Micheal’s memory I ask you to please take a picture of yourself giving blood and share it either here or on the facebook group page
Thank you
Angelia Phillips
Gold Star Mom of
Spc. Micheal “Pokey” Phillips
The students of Ardmore High School National Honor Society in conjunction with the Oklahoma Blood Institute are sponsoring a Blood drive in memory of Spc. Micheal "Pokey" Phillips a former Ardmore High school student who was Killed in Action while serving in Iraq.
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Military Minds Contest
In order to help spread the word about the important work Military Minds is doing we are launching a contest for some awesome prizes.
First Prize : One Military Minds Hoodie, a signed Julian Austin Military Minds event poster and ONE of TEN "If you don't stand behind our troops" bumper Stickers all pictured below
There will also be NINE secondary prizes of one of the bumper sticker below.
2. Share any of their posts on your Facebook page and tell your friends to join and have them post "YOUR NAME sent me here" (This will get you a bonus entry)
3. Tweet to enter on twitter
NOTE : Contest closes on Friday March 23rd at MIDNIGHT Eastern time and you have two weeks after closing to claim your prizes. Winners will be contacted via Twitter and Facebook
Military Minds is helping soldiers dealing with PTSD come forward for help and speak to others going through the same things. If you would like to read some of the stories click any of the links below for more information.
Sometimes All I see is red
Trying to get my uniform back
"Hi I'm James" - Sgt James Mcdonald
First Prize : One Military Minds Hoodie, a signed Julian Austin Military Minds event poster and ONE of TEN "If you don't stand behind our troops" bumper Stickers all pictured below
There will also be NINE secondary prizes of one of the bumper sticker below.
How to enter is very simple :
1. Join the MILITARY MINDS Facebook Page (this will get you one entry)2. Share any of their posts on your Facebook page and tell your friends to join and have them post "YOUR NAME sent me here" (This will get you a bonus entry)
3. Tweet to enter on twitter
NOTE : Contest closes on Friday March 23rd at MIDNIGHT Eastern time and you have two weeks after closing to claim your prizes. Winners will be contacted via Twitter and Facebook
Military Minds is helping soldiers dealing with PTSD come forward for help and speak to others going through the same things. If you would like to read some of the stories click any of the links below for more information.
Sometimes All I see is red
Trying to get my uniform back
"Hi I'm James" - Sgt James Mcdonald
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Sunday, February 19, 2012
Afghanistan - A Hard Truth - By Melissa Garrison
This article was written by Melissa Garrison who at the time this was submitted to me a year ago a grade twelve student whos brother was serving with the Canadian Forces, Please free to leave a comment and I will share them with their family. Thank You
A major topic that I hear about most often is the War in Afghanistan. Should we be there? A large majority say no, but are they really that informed? I honestly don’t think so. I am coming from the perspective of a family member of a soldier. I have seen information that is there for the public, but is behind what is on the front page. You have to do a little digging to find it. I am offering contradictory information on the most used points. Why we are there, the progress that has been made, the point of view of the Afghanis, and soldiers, who the Taliban are, and more in-depth information. Most of this information is buried deep where it is harder to find. Putting this information out there is important, because if people are not informed about what they are dealing with than they are liable to make mistakes that could compromise lives.
The first thing that should be addressed is why we are there. There are different opinions depending on who you talk to. The first, more factual reason, is because of the NATO treaty; “an attack against any one of them is an attack on all.” This is the mutual aid pact that involves all the members of the United Nations. The 9/11 attack on the USA by Al Qaeda was what started it and is the main reason for us being there. The more moral reasons for us being there is to give women and children rights, which they had before the Taliban took over, freedom, which they also used to have, stopping torture and public execution, and right to have access to information. They are also working on a major drug problem. Opium that is grown in Afghanistan is actually where the majority of it is grown. Crop areas are all over Afghanistan and Soldiers are trying to convince farmers to turn their drug farms into wheat farms. This proves to be difficult when the public is so ruled by fear when most of their drug lords are either a member of the Taliban or Al Qaeda. Canada is also building a relationship with the people, contrary to popular belief that the people of Afghanistan hate us and want us gone. Most of the Soldiers know why we are there, like Major Brent Purcell who when asked why we were in Afghanistan replied, “To prevent terrorism from spreading and to bring security and development to Afghanistan.” These soldiers know why we are there, and they believe in the mission. “Radical Islam has already demonstrated that they know no boundaries regarding who they kill, or who they will use to kill. They will escalate the violence at every opportunity, and the more potent the weapons they can get their hands on the more likely they are to use them. Our being in Afghanistan is not only trying to help the failed state, it is keeping radical Islam occupied and focused there,” says Noel Dykes, a retired Artillery officer of 35 years. This mission is important, the danger is real and it will not just go away if we ignore it.
The Taliban took over Afghanistan in 1996. Before they took over Afghanistan was nowhere near as brutal as it is now. Woman’s rights for one, was not much of an issue, nor did it need to be. Girls were allowed to attend not only grade school but also University. Women used to be allowed to work, especially in Kabul, the Capital city. At Kabul University, 50% of students were girls, and 60% of teachers were women. Of all school teachers in Kabul, 70% were women. As for two other important jobs in Kabul, 50% of women were civilian government workers and 40% were doctors. Kabul was also the first place that the Taliban took over. They went in and took away all women’s rights.
Forced them to cover themselves completely, forbid them to go outside the home without their husband escort, and took away all of their basic human rights. They could not go to see a doctor most of the time and when they could they had to sit with a hanging sheet separating them. Many women died of curable deceases because of this. If they showed even a small part of skin or were raped they were stoned to death. Anything to do with making themselves more beautiful was forbidden. Civilians used to have television, sports and games, which were banned when the Taliban took over. The sports stadiums were used to murder people who misbehaved, questioned, or refused the Taliban. Men also were not required to have long beards. When the Taliban came they arrested anyone whose beard was too short. They ruled by fear and brutality that was not known to the Afghanistan people before they took over.
There are a lot of people who think that there has not, nor there ever will be, progress in Afghanistan. There has been plenty of progress, you just have to look for it. Some of these include the Kandahar Rapid Village Development Project, Integrated Alternative Livelihoods Program in Kandahar Province, Education Quality Improvement Project, Vocational Training for Afghan Women, Food aid to Vulnerable Families, Tuberculosis Control and Polio Eradication Program, Maternal Health Initiative in Kandahar Province, National Solidarity Program, Afghanistan Sub-national Governance Program, and two of the larger projects that will make the most impact are the Dahla Dam and Irrigation System and Training and Mentoring the Afghan National Security Forces.
Working on repairing the Dahla Dam is important to strengthening the Government, and economic growth of Afghanistan. It will provide water to most of Kandahar’s population. It will also create 10,000 seasonal jobs and will provide irrigated land to farmers which will help build up agriculture. In order for Afghanistan to be able to stand on its own, they must have stable security. Training the Afghan National Army (ANA) and the Afghan National Police (ANP) is one of the top priorities. About 2,400 ANA are stationed in Kandahar which is a large improvement over 2006 when there were only 600. Right now Canada is managing five battalions that have about 650 soldiers in each one. Training is still needed to ensure that the ANA will be capable of keeping things in check. More than 650 ANP have been trained but there is still literacy, corruption, and drug abuse problems that are still, and need to be, addressed. These are only the bare minimum of a long list of what is being done in Afghanistan.
We hardly ever hear about all the good that is being done in Afghanistan. We will hear about all the explosive IED’s that kill a few solders, but never why they are risking life and limb. Just a fun fact, they defuse 25 IED’s a day, which is a lot more than the number that get set off. Does the media report stuff like that? Not of course not. Michael Bergan, a soldier who was overseas, feels that the media is not informing the public of everything. “No the media does not report everything. Remember that they are a company with shareholders ect and ‘bad’ news sells better than ‘good’ news.
Also a lot of these journalists stay within the confines of the camps too. Not all those do as I’m sure you are aware of the Canadian Journalist that was killed recently. Lastly, it is to be noted that if you were to watch Al Jezeera you will have a totally different view. I myself have never held much faith in the media as I have seen such clear mistakes in editing ect that I do not believe half of it as being correct.” This reporter that he mentions, Michelle Lang, was out of the safe zone because she knew that the truth was not being told and she wanted to find it for herself and share it with everyone else. Bergan also feels that the public is not informed of the war the way they should be. When asked if they were he replied, “Not really unless you are willing to research many different views and opinions on your own. I think the mainstream media such as CTV etc is just showing a very slim picture of what actually goes on.” Some reporters do not even bother reporting on certain things because they know that the story would get buried before it could reach the public. Soldiers know it, reporters know it, and so shouldn’t the public know it too?
The general public that has basically nothing to do with the war form all sorts of opinions based on what they think is concern for the soldiers and their families. I have heard the argument that the soldiers should be brought back, like they know how the solders feel. The majority of them do not want to come back. Most that are severely injured wish to go back as soon as possible. They know that their mission is important because they have actually been there. They have experienced things first hand. Major Brent Purcell expressed just how important he thinks the mission is.
“I feel the mission is extremely important and I believe in it. I only hope that we do not abandon the Afghan people too early before they are ready to take on the responsibility for their own security.” If you ask other soldiers, many will answerer the same way. The families also have to suffer through letting their loved ones go into danger, and although people think they are helping by saying that “the troops should be brought back”, they have no idea just how much worse they are making it for the families. Speaking to many families who have gone through such trauma, it is obvious how frustrated they are towards the general public. One military wife who was so sick of what she had to hear wrote a blog entry about it. “Why are we In Afghanistan? A question very abstractedly answered by the media and interpretations from the general public. However, for us, as military, it is very simple…
We are there to create peace and stability, infrastructure, water, primarily, and to help organize and build the ANA and police forces period. It is our job to be there, we were not forced to be there we want to be there.” A snippet from a very moving article “A Voice that is Seldom Heard” which is absolutely right, who ever hears these things from anyone? Who bothers to ask? It is rare to find a military family that does not support the war or who is not angered by the statements of the public. The daughter of the fallen soldier MCpl Allan Stewart, Brittany Stewart, says, “well most of my friends made fun of me (well there not really my friends), and saying mean things. and it made me really sad and saying that they are wasting their time and stuff. I try not to listen to them.” For those that are against the war because it is unfair to the soldiers or their families please don’t use us as an excuse for your own ignorance; it’s insulting.
Another reason people use to not be at war is that it is cruel to the people of Afghanistan. The truth is that they have seen much crueler things than a country fighting for their freedom. They once had the basic human rights only to watch them get taken away by the Taliban. They will be tortured or killed for even the smallest things. One thing we all have in common is that every person wants the freedom to do as they please. The majority of civilians want our help. In Brent Purcell’s experience, he knows how they feel. “I would say that the majority of the Afghan people are grateful we are there. The average Afghan citizen wants the same things as we Canadians want. They want safety, security, food and a better life for their children.” Michael Bergan shares his opinion. “Yes and no. of course the ‘yes’ ones are the people that have seen us as a non threat i.e. the civilians that we are helping via medical help and security and the ‘no’ ones are the ones fighting against us i.e. the Taliban and radical extremist groups.”
Afghan people are willing to risk their lives for the freedom we are trying to give them. One Muslim women is very clear in her opinion. Benazir Bhutto, assassinated Prime Minister of Pakistan, talks about how many large Muslim leaders were outraged on the attack on their people after 9/11, “Obviously (and embarrassingly), Muslim leaders, masses, and even intellectuals are quite comfortable criticizing outsiders for the harm inflicted of fellow Muslims, but there is deadly silence when they are confronted with Muslim-on-Muslim violence.”
Over 80 women who were still trapped in their brutal lives without hope of escape committed suicide by lighting themselves on fire. This is better than a few years of war and eventually peace? The right to vote was given to Afghanistan and in the first year especially, it was a threat to anyone’s life to participate. Anyone who voted had to get a mark on their finger, and the Taliban targeted anyone with this mark. Did people shy away and not use this new right they were given? No, they risked their lives just to vote. When hairdressers were banned for women, and anyone who was caught running or going to a salon would be shot on the spot, did they give up and stay home? No, women set up salons in their basement and got great business. Women risked their lives just to get a haircut. It was not about the haircut, it was about getting freedom where they had none. If the people of Afghanistan don’t want the freedom we are giving them, then why do they risk there lives for the little things we take for granted every day?
Should we be in Afghanistan? The answer is in another two questions. Do we want to let others suffer while we sit comfortably at home? Do we want to risk the lives of each other on the hope that the radical terrorists will leave us alone? The answer is clear but most people don’t want to see it. I for one know that I don’t want to take the risk.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Why We Fight - By Cpl Andrew Grenon
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Cpl Andrew Grenon - KIA in Afghanistan Sept 2008 |
This poem was written in 2008 by Cpl. Andrew Grenon in 2006 and sadly he was killed in Sept 2008 along with Pte Chad Horn & Cpl Mike Seggie. I received this in my email this morning from a soldier who served with Andrew and he asked if I would share it on our page so here it is:
WHY WE FIGHT - By Cpl. Andrew Grenon
Why my government actually agreed to send troops to this God-forsaken place.
There are no natural resources. No oil, gold, or silver.
Just people.
People who have been at war for the last 40 plus years.
People who want nothing more than their children to be safe.
People who will do anything for money; even give their own life.
I look into the eyes of these people.
I see hate, destruction and depression.
I see love, warmth, kindness and appreciation.
Why do we fight?
For in this country, there are monsters.
Monsters we could easily fight on a different battlefield, at a different time.
Monsters that could easily take the fight to us.
Surrounding these mud walls and huts is a country in turmoil.
A country that is unable to rebuild itself.
A country that cannot guarantee a bright future for its youth.
Why do we fight?
Because, if we don’t fight today, on THIS battlefield,
then our children will be forced to face these monsters on our own battlefield.
I fight because I’m a soldier.
I fight because I’m ordered.
I fight, so my children won’t have to.
R.I.P Cpl Andrew Grenon
Thursday, February 16, 2012
How a tweet to a hashtag saved a soldiers life
I was up late last night not able to sleep and a friend of mine came online on Facebook chat who is a member of British Forces and all he said "Dave one of your Twitter followers saved my life" I asked to explain and what he told me left me speechless and he asked me I would share with my group members anonymously.
'' I don't want to have my name posted here but I wanted to share my story with members of "Thank A Soldier" & @Thankasoldier's Twitter followers as if it wasn't for one of them I wouldn't even be here right now to type this. Last night a friend of mine had his status as "Twitter is for losers and kids with nothing better to do than try and get that Justin lad to talk back to them"
I beg to differ.
I had returned from my fourth tour in Afghanistan about a year ago and currently on medical release from the Forces due to an injury I suffered while on tour. I have been having awful flashbacks since my last return like when I'm out getting groceries one evening with my now ex girlfriend I heard a baby crying and I started freaking out and had to leave the market and wait in the car.
If I'm out in traffic and I see an old beat up pick up truck stopped at a traffic light I will stay far back from it and have even done a uturn to stay away from them all together. I haven't had a good night sleep since I can't remember but you know what I'm proud of everything I did and don't regret it one bit and would go back again in a flash.
I have pills to make me sleep, pills to stop panic attacks, and about a month ago I had reached the breaking point, I posted this on my Twitter at 3am in the morning.
"What happens if I mix a full bottle of sleeping pills with anxiety meds"
I wanted to kill myself, to end all the pain and take no more pills, and I guess I wanted to see if anyone actually gave a shit.
Not even 60 seconds I got a response from a woman in British Columbia, Canada simply saying "Please follow me back if you need to talk"
She was one of @Thankasoldier's followers who had seen him send me a "Shout Out Tweet" on #SOT (Support Our Troops) hashtag a few weeks before.
We started sending a few messages back and fourth and she told me she was a friend of Dave Murphy's (The guy who runs Thank A Soldier) and she would call me if I wanted her too. We connected on SKYPE and this woman and I talked for about four hours.
She was a military mother who's son in law who was not in the military took his own life a year ago so she saw the pain it causes the family and ofcourse her directly. I was taken back that this stranger cared so much as I was talking with her on Skype more messages started coming in and strangers from all over the world as well as friends asking if I was ok and yes thanks to my angel from BC I was.
We talk every few days and she's almost become like a second mother to me, although my family and I aren't close they haven't really talked to me since my first tour to Afghanistan but I'm working on that.
I am not going to post her name but when @ThankAsoldier posts this I know she will see it and that is my way of saying Thank You.
Sorry this email is so over the place but my point is don't give up no matter what and there's always someone out there who cares........... even if it is 10,000 miles away.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
A Veterans response to Governor Christie
I received this email just now from a Veteran of the United States ARMY who gave me the ok to post this but wanted to remain anonymous, I will respect that request.
Dear Mr. Governor,
I am a current member of the United States Army and currently deployed, I am not a front lines guy, I do not put my life on the line every day in combat but I am a soldier. You see my job is to prep bodies of fallen soldiers killed in action for their journey home. I also am involved in coordinating ramp ceremonies for fallen soldiers before they return home as well. If you have never seen a ramp ceremony I might suggest you do a YouTube search on them but I guarantee none of them have "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston playing during them.
I've been doing this for almost four years now and have seen more men and women flying home in a flag draped casket that anyone in their lifetime would see but it's my job and how I serve the country. Last year a close friend of mine was KIA and I prepared him for the ceremony, and got on the plane with him and accompanied him home. There was no flags at half mass however about 1000 people lined the street near the church including members of The Patriot Guard who stood watch to keep certain members of the Westboro Wackos from protesting.
Whitney Houston was a great singer, and yes she had donated some "Pocket Change" of her multi millions to charity but for you to lower the flag in her honour is a slap in the face to every one of those soldiers I have sent home. You say that the flag have been lowered for every soldier from New Jersey under your administration which is great but again I some how feel when you do this for a "Drugged out pop star" that will in my opinion be tainted.
I am not saying that soldiers are perfect and that none of us have ever done drugss or had to go in rehab either, no one is perfect and we all have our faults but when our heroes return home people also don't dig up their life story and see any bad things they may have done but still they have all served for our country, put their lives on the line for every citizen out there and given the ultimate sacrifice. I feel sorry for her young daughter who is now without a mother, my thoughts and prayers do go out to Whitney Houstons family & friends.
To all the families who have lost love ones to any sort of conflict my thoughts and prayers are with you all and your sons and daughters were all heroes and always will be to me.
Due to my current active role I am not signing this with my name but I wanted speak my mind as per our decision.
Flags at half mast for real heroes
So Governor Christie of NJ wants to lower the flags on all state buildings for the day of Whitney Houstons funeral, I feel this something that should be kept for our men and women of our military branches and all first responders. I post this with no disrespect intended however she was a singer who solder hundreds of millions of albums and this makes here a HERO?
"“Whitney Houston was an important part of the cultural fabric of this state,’’ said Christie, who said she is the same category of New Jersey entertainers as Frank Sinatra, Count Basie and Bruce Springsteen. She was a cultural icon for the state and her accomplishments in life were a source of great pride to many people in the state and for the state as a whole. On that basis, I think she’s entitled to that recognition.‘’ Gov. Christie - NJ
Just wondering what everyones opinion is on this? I know for me personally it makes me a little sick to my stomach. That being said I'm posting a photo for Canadian, American and UK soldiers who have been killed. I would post all the flags but these three countries are were 90% of our group members are from.
Just wondering what everyones opinion is on this? I know for me personally it makes me a little sick to my stomach. That being said I'm posting a photo for Canadian, American and UK soldiers who have been killed. I would post all the flags but these three countries are were 90% of our group members are from.
Read this Veterans response to Governor Christies decision
Another great read which I feel is related to this whole situation was written by the father of a fallen Canadian soldier Cpl Mike Seggie check out "What is a Hero" by Jim Seggie
NOTE : As shown in @GovChristie's twitter page below fallen soldiers from NJ have had the flags lowered for them and that has already been acknowledged. The point of this that has people upset is that something they feel should be reserved for members of our military, first responders and such.
Send him a message on Twitter Tweet to @GovChristie
Another great read which I feel is related to this whole situation was written by the father of a fallen Canadian soldier Cpl Mike Seggie check out "What is a Hero" by Jim Seggie
NOTE : As shown in @GovChristie's twitter page below fallen soldiers from NJ have had the flags lowered for them and that has already been acknowledged. The point of this that has people upset is that something they feel should be reserved for members of our military, first responders and such.
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If you would like to contact Governor Christie you can do so on his webpage |
Send him a message on Twitter Tweet to @GovChristie
Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625
Danielle Reesor After 9/11 the American government made the executive decision to keep the casualty reports as well as those KIA from the American public. I agree that the flags should not be lowered for any person due to their popularity and should only be lowered for those who gave their lives in the line of duty.
Wayne Eric Dickson Flying half mass should only be for any person that represents the U.S Governemt, City or State that are highly reconized in the publics eye. Example: Police Officer, FireFighter, Military, Governemt Leaders etc. Celebrities are not considered any of these. If this is the case, then we should fly the flag at half mass for every celebrity that passes away.
John MasterGuns Lewis Whitney Houston was a beautiful lady. An amazing talent. Her death at such a young age, regardless of the circumstances, was and is tragic. The governor of New Jersey has issued a proclamation that the flag is to be flown at half-staff Saturday in her honor. But Whitney does not rate having our national colors flown at half-staff in her honor. Section 7M of the Flag Code clearly states -
"In the event of the death of a present or former official of the government of any State, territory, or possession of the United States or the death of a member of the Armed Forces from any State, territory, or possession who dies while serving on active duty, the Governor of that State, territory, or possession may proclaim that the National flag shall be flown at half-staff, and the same authority is provided to the Mayor of the District of Columbia with respect to present or former officials of the District of Columbia and members of the Armed Forces from the District of Columbia. When the Governor of a State, territory, or possession, or the Mayor of the District of Columbia, issues a proclamation under the preceding sentence that the National flag be flown at half-staff in that State, territory, or possession or in the District of Columbia because of the death of a member of the Armed Forces, the National flag flown at any Federal installation or facility in the area covered by that proclamation shall be flown at half-staff consistent with that proclamation."
Whitney Houston was an icon of the entertainment industry. She was not a present or formal official of the State of New Jersey nor was she a member of the Armed Forces of this country. She does not meet the minimum standards for having the flag flown at half-staff in her honor, and accordingly Governor Christie should withdraw his proclamation. But he won't, because at this point it would be political suicide to do so. And yes, I know that the flag has been flown at half-staff in honor of others who don't meet the minimum standards of this honor. That still doesn't make it right. Every time we honor someone by doing this, it cheapens the sacrifices that millions have made in service to this country, and they are the ones who earned the right to have the flag flown at half-staff in their honor.
Arnold Dugas i wonder how many times she went into a war torn country to put her life on the line but no she became a singer then turned unto the world of drugs and partying and now she wants to be a hero in the eyes of a state that means in nj it must be fine to go out and get blasted and should be ok because they want to lower the flag . i my self have been to some of the not so friendly places of the world.
Winifred Barnes Reward the negative, by glorifying addiction. Neglect the Public Servants; complain about the overtime when you are sitting down to a Christmas Feast,and your neighbor is out in the middle of a blizzard paving the way for you to place your fat butt at the table. Support our troops, and our Public Servants.
Margaret Davis not a good idea. Whitney was a singer and did humanitarian work but so did Mother Teresa and I don't remember a flag at half mass for her. I believe this would be an insulting to the men and who this honor was intended for. That's my thoughts on the subject.
Trenton, NJ 08625
Here are a few replies @GovChristie has sent to people on Twitter :
Here are some comments from our Facebook page :
Danielle Reesor After 9/11 the American government made the executive decision to keep the casualty reports as well as those KIA from the American public. I agree that the flags should not be lowered for any person due to their popularity and should only be lowered for those who gave their lives in the line of duty.
Wayne Eric Dickson Flying half mass should only be for any person that represents the U.S Governemt, City or State that are highly reconized in the publics eye. Example: Police Officer, FireFighter, Military, Governemt Leaders etc. Celebrities are not considered any of these. If this is the case, then we should fly the flag at half mass for every celebrity that passes away.
John MasterGuns Lewis Whitney Houston was a beautiful lady. An amazing talent. Her death at such a young age, regardless of the circumstances, was and is tragic. The governor of New Jersey has issued a proclamation that the flag is to be flown at half-staff Saturday in her honor. But Whitney does not rate having our national colors flown at half-staff in her honor. Section 7M of the Flag Code clearly states -
"In the event of the death of a present or former official of the government of any State, territory, or possession of the United States or the death of a member of the Armed Forces from any State, territory, or possession who dies while serving on active duty, the Governor of that State, territory, or possession may proclaim that the National flag shall be flown at half-staff, and the same authority is provided to the Mayor of the District of Columbia with respect to present or former officials of the District of Columbia and members of the Armed Forces from the District of Columbia. When the Governor of a State, territory, or possession, or the Mayor of the District of Columbia, issues a proclamation under the preceding sentence that the National flag be flown at half-staff in that State, territory, or possession or in the District of Columbia because of the death of a member of the Armed Forces, the National flag flown at any Federal installation or facility in the area covered by that proclamation shall be flown at half-staff consistent with that proclamation."
Whitney Houston was an icon of the entertainment industry. She was not a present or formal official of the State of New Jersey nor was she a member of the Armed Forces of this country. She does not meet the minimum standards for having the flag flown at half-staff in her honor, and accordingly Governor Christie should withdraw his proclamation. But he won't, because at this point it would be political suicide to do so. And yes, I know that the flag has been flown at half-staff in honor of others who don't meet the minimum standards of this honor. That still doesn't make it right. Every time we honor someone by doing this, it cheapens the sacrifices that millions have made in service to this country, and they are the ones who earned the right to have the flag flown at half-staff in their honor.
Arnold Dugas i wonder how many times she went into a war torn country to put her life on the line but no she became a singer then turned unto the world of drugs and partying and now she wants to be a hero in the eyes of a state that means in nj it must be fine to go out and get blasted and should be ok because they want to lower the flag . i my self have been to some of the not so friendly places of the world.
Winifred Barnes Reward the negative, by glorifying addiction. Neglect the Public Servants; complain about the overtime when you are sitting down to a Christmas Feast,and your neighbor is out in the middle of a blizzard paving the way for you to place your fat butt at the table. Support our troops, and our Public Servants.
Margaret Davis not a good idea. Whitney was a singer and did humanitarian work but so did Mother Teresa and I don't remember a flag at half mass for her. I believe this would be an insulting to the men and who this honor was intended for. That's my thoughts on the subject.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Act Of Valor - My Review
Tonight I went to see "Act Of Valour" at a pre-screening here in Calgary, Aberta. I went in to this movie knowing the main actors in it were real US Navy Seals so I wasn't expecting any Academy Award type acting skills as these men were not actors they are SEALs.
The movie took years to film and was surprised to find out that in some cases filming took place in segments of four hours or less as parts of this were shot during members of the teams deployment operations.
As for movie itself, I won't give away any of the story line but it was pretty intense, a lot of first person camera views that put you right in the action. There are also some pretty powerful scenes showing the family side of the military world and not only were real SEALs used in this movie but also their family members.
There were parts of the movie where the theatre was in total silence, a few parts where I could see people covering there eyes and some pretty funny moments. I am not a critic, but knowing so many men and women who serve and their families personally parts of this movie really hit me but again I won't give away any spoilers but I think everyone should see this film.
I took a friend of mine to see this with me tonight and this is what her thoughts were :
"This movie gave me more of an inside view of real missions and hand to hand combat. This movie again showed me the real heroes of this world fighting for our freedom, so we can sleep safe at night. I honestly don't know how these Men and Women are so brave and strong. I'm not one for 'war' movies, and I had to look away at certain moments. But if you want to see a movie that really truly has meaning and significance, please take 2 hrs out of your life and watch." - Karin - Calgary, AB
"In the '70's my unit did a fair bit of training with the US Special Forces. Although there was certainly some "reality stretching" in some scenes, and the soldiers in attendance did a bit of groaning, while the civilians did the "oohs and aahs", I have to say that most of the field tactics and procedures were reasonably accurate. The eqpt has sure changed since my day, with electric Gatling guns(GAU-17/A) mounted on assault boats(SWCC), night vision, and individual comms... More importantly, sensationalism aside, the film does give the average person a peek into the level of loyalty and respect these men have for each other, and their combined commitment to the task at hand. When you hear a soldier tell you that unless you've been there, you wouldn't understand, this film should help give you an idea of what they mean. What many may not know is that when Special Forces soldiers are killed in the type of covert ops depicted, the families are told very little of the circumstances surrounding the death. In most cases, the where's, when, and whys are never answered; in the name of national security. Overall a pretty good flick!" - Canadian Veteran
The film is scheduled to be released on February 24, 2012 WATCH THE TRAILER BELOW
In 2007, Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh of Bandito Brothers Production filmed a video for the Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen SWCC which led the Navy to allow them to use SEALs. After spending so much time working closely with the SEALs, McCoy and Waugh conceived the idea for a modern day action movie about this covert and elite fighting force.
As Act of Valor developed with the SEALs on board as advisors, the film makers realised that no actors could realistically portray or physically fill the roles they'd written and the actual SEALs were drafted in to the film. None of the SEALs' names will appear in the credits of the film
Please take a moment to check out some of our other articles :
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Biker Musician Pat Savage Films New Show in Thailand

"Wind & Fire" is Pat Savage’s 7th solo album in a 30-year career rockin’ around the world and features 11 original tracks: Harley Rock & Blues, a little Country and even some Spanish guitar to keep you rollin' down the road.
My favorite song and favorite lyrics, in fact are from "Keep on Rolling" ... A Harley man is what I am round the world, across this land -- I gotta keep on rolling, Ride to Live, Live to Ride. It's the feeling down deep inside, gotta keep on rollin' keep on rollin'.
Pat's new "Savage Roads" adventure series will take riders to exotic places in the world to enjoy the local culture and entertainment and to ride the country's best back roads. Shows are initially being filmed in Thailand, Norway and South Africa. The series is being independently produced for a pay-per-view and TV audience.
During the filming of "Savage Roads" in Thailand, Pat took the opportunity to record the "Wind & Fire" album with ex-South African rock producer Gary Crause, at his Legend Music studio in Phuket.

It was Pat’s third solo release “Hog Wild” that secured a major record deal with SONY in Europe. He subsequently relocated to Europe, basing himself there for six years, before returning to live in Toronto, Canada in late 2009.
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Pat Savage headlining the northern most HOG rally in the world at Ballangen, Norway |
In the last three years Pat has taken a much needed break from almost three decades of relentless touring at the largest Harley Davidson events, as well as major rock and blues festivals from Norway to South Africa and from Iceland to Dubai!
He took time to realize one of his dreams in 2010, releasing a great Progressive Rock album called "Dream of Odin" that was recorded at Vancouver’s prestigious Emerald Ridge Studios with producer and famed Canadian drummer Phil Krawzcuk. He closed 2011 with a two-night concert at "Bikerfest" in Osoppo Udini, Italy.
His time for the most part, away from major world tour shows has been an introspective time.
"It takes a sensitive ear to tune into the silence of the heart, but it is there in each one of us," he said recently to Google+ friends. "Am I busy now? You better believe it!"
"Will start soon pre production developing my new acoustic unplugged CD "Savage Steel" with Eddie Sorez , Larry Scerri & Fred Steele! Title song for my biker TV series "The Savage Roads" has just been written for me by Gary Crause & Robert Cooke my writing partners who wrote "Big City Lights" & "Coolest Place Is In The Shade" for "Wind & Fire". The track "Savage Roads" is killer! Working to edit the preview for the final presentation to the program director of Travel Channel & setting up our pay-per view channel."
With a brand new album and video series, Pat Savage is back on the road, and it’s safe to assume that he will once again be rocking his fans all over the world in 2012.
A tribute to a fallen Hero
Pte. Chad Horn was killed in Sept 2008 with two other soldier Cpl. Andrew Paul Grenon and Cpl. Michael Seggie in Afghanistan. Chad was ten days away from returning from his deployment back to Calgary, Alberta. I joined his Memorial Page on Facebook and planned to attend his funeral here in Calgary as it was open to the public.
This was my first military funeral and you see the flag draped caskets on TV returning home but I would never be able to put in to words the feeling when you see one coming down the isle of the church. It was there that I met a lot of Chad's family and hear the stories shared by his friends during the funeral. I quickly found out what an amazing young man he was.
I had become good friends with his mother Anita and she invited me to the following Remembrance Day ceremony in Calgary in which she would be the Silver Cross Mother, here I got to meet more of Chad's family and listen to them share funny memories of him and you could see the pride in their eyes.
About a year ago I met Sarah B. who in her spare time draws soldiers and have featured her other work on our page. I asked her if she would draw a photo of Pte Chad Horn for me to give to his mother and today I got to do just that.
This is the original photo she used and I learned today after chatting with Anita that the cat's name was Scooba and Chad would mention the cat a lot in his letters home and even had a sent a video of him. Anita also told me that the watch in the photo Chad is wearing she also wears now as it was one of the few things that made it back from Afghanistan. Anita also said she had thought about this photo a few days ago when a friend of hers had posted a photo of their son with a similar photo.
I want to thank Sarah B. for taking the time to do this for Chad's family and here is the photo she drew.
For Those I Love I Will Sacrifice - The words Pte Chad Horn had tattooed on his back |
Pte Chad Horns mother Anita with the photo of her son |
Friday, February 10, 2012
Military Minds - Member Drive
Military Minds was started in May 2011 by Cpl. Chris Dupee (Canadian Forces) after returning from his most recent deployment in Afghanistan.
In May of 2011 I opened up Military Minds mobile powerwashing, my goal was to have a Military themed company to employ veterans that were out of work. I personally found it disturbing that these Soldiers would put their lives on the line for their country yet not be able to find a job once back home. The saying hero to zero was those guys to a tee. I was lucky enough to be employed full time by the military but the reservists that I was working with were not. - Read the full history here
I met Chris on Facebook about three years ago when he was on tour with a FOB unit in Afghanistan, I had sent out an email at my work about sending over a care package and quickly we had enough to send about six boxes of good over to him and the guys in his unit.
Cpl Dupee then released a YouTube video speaking out about PTSD and his own battle with it which has already helped a few other soldiers come forward for help. If 10,000 people watch one of his videos and it helps one soldier then it is worth it.
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Thankasoldier - The Shorty Awards
It has come to my attention tonight that we have been nominated for a SHORTY AWARD in the category of #SOT (Supporting Our Troops) which is a great honour. A few years ago we won a Mashable award for Best non profit use of social media which was amazing and it was shortly after that some very well known people heard about our site and what we do and this would be help us get the word out even more.
If you are a proud member of Thank A Soldier and would like to submit a nomination there are two ways to do it.
To vote go to the SHORTY AWARDS PAGE and type in your own reason why you think our pages and groups are worth of one of this award.
NOTE : When you go to the above page leave the category as OTHER as #SOT is the category

Do not change any of the text that comes up just add something after "I nominate @ThankASoldier for a Shorty Award in #sot because" then add whatever you like after that. If not your vote will not count.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A lot of things happened in the world today
Ricky Martin was on Glee, Owen Nolan retired from the NHL, Ricky Williams retired from the NFL, there was a new show named "The River" premièred, The New York GIANTS had a Super Bowl parade, LMFAO played a concert in Calgary, someone named Jason & Chardonnay had a relationship that went wrong, some guy named "Malik" posted a photo of himself in boxers, Roberto Luongo made an amazing save, there was a fight in the Leafs Vs Jets game and OH YES the last remaining World War One veteran passed away at 110 years old.
What's her name?
Florence Green
Florence Green signed up in the Women's Royal Air Force (WRAF) 93 years ago in September 1918, when she was aged just 17. She was the last surviving person to have served in WWI following the death of British-born sailor Claude Choules in Australia last year. During the First World War she worked at Narborough Airfield and RAF Marham, Norfolk, as an Officer's Mess steward.
You can read more about Florence on the Telegraph.uk website
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