Saturday, January 14, 2012

Veteran's Surprise Proposal

MCpl Daniel  Gray-Owen

MCpl Daniel Gray-Owen is a member of the Canadian Forces who I met about three years ago on Facebook when he was about to go on tour in Afghanistan nd got to speak with him many times during his deployment.

I met him in person for the first time in December of 2009 when we hosted a live concert at the Royal Canadian Legion here in Calgary featuring another soldier MCpl Elton Adams. When he returned from his most recent tour he had something very special lined up for his girlfriend Stephanie.

Stephanie is a comedian and she had a live show scheduled and didn't think MCpl Gray-Owen would be home for a few days after.  Little did she know that he was home two days earlier and hiding back in the kitchen for three hours waiting for Stephanie to take the stage for her performance that night.

"I meet her in Medicine hat in 2005 we talked and that was the last time i saw her unitl about a month later and asked her out but she fake numbered me. I seen her a few months later and gave her shit for it. I then asked to hang out with her but she made the excuse that she was hanging out with her Dad and he didn't like boys around when he was out with her daughter but it turns out that her dad was a friend a local DJ at the club that I always went to. When I showed up at the table I was like Steve he was like Dan and Im guessing she was like SHIT. We went out for our first date the next day

In 2008 I got posted out east and she was moving to Calgary to start her career in movies and stand up, I lost track with her for about a year but got to see her before I deployed. We got to spend one last night together before I left to go to Afghanistan" - Mcpl Daniel Gray-Owen

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