Monday, January 2, 2012

The Reason - By Dan Gray

I posted the above photo earlier on our Facebook page and a friend of mine who writes poems for our military wrote up the following poem.  I hope you like it.

This is the reason I do it, this baby in my hand, 
The reason I wear this uniform, the reason I serve my land, 
The everyday freedoms of walking up and down the street, 
not worried for a moment of any evil their may be, 

I choose to fight the evil in countries far away, 
To toil in sand and desert sun for many a day, 
To see things unspeakable and face fear square on, 
right now the only task I have is getting my baby home.

I want them to look up at me and put that smile on their face, 
I want them to understand what I do when it calls me away,
but right now I want them for a few more minutes just to sleep, 
till we get home to mother and a fine dinner to eat.

This baby is the reason for me to fight for peace, 
so they never will have to do the things or see what I have seen, 
So when they grow up there may be peace the world round, 
now I may quiet so as not to cause my baby to make a sound.

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