The Red, White & Blues Band (that headlined the LZ Lambeau "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans" event in May at Green Bay, Wisconson) will close with a concert on Sunday.
Veterans who are able to make the trip from VA Homes will receive
a hero's welcome at BASH 2010.
The smell of smokey BBQ will fill the air at Rock River Recreation (fairgrounds) in Chatham -- ribs, chicken, pulled pork and all the sides are being prepared by Big Moe's (Michigan State BBQ Champs.)

$40 includes a full weekend of concerts, vendors and activities. Day passes, $20.
To Support This Event - Click Here - to purchase advance tickets and/or the event T-Shirt.
Fly in to Marquette... 30 minute drive to the fairgrounds. Or ride-in through untouched national forests with waterfalls and lakes.
There are many rental cabins and campgrounds in the area, charter fishing boats and glass bottom boat tours.
The Lion's Club will be handling the beer tents and the Shriners will be there with their clowns, raffling a 4-wheeler.. and a network of 5 radio stations and a television station have volunteered to promote and participate in the BASH, so there will be plenty of "News at 11."
The Radio Results Network radio stations are promoting this as "The Last Major Event of the Season in Upper Michigan" and they will be selling advanced tickets at their booth at the state fair.
The Radio Results Network radio stations are promoting this as "The Last Major Event of the Season in Upper Michigan" and they will be selling advanced tickets at their booth at the state fair.
Thanks to
Signs NOW Wayzata of Minnesota for promotional stage banners and special thanks to Dan Lawson Band for promoting BASH 2010 at events across the USA!

Silent Auction Donations Being Accepted... Big Thanks For Donations!
Ramada Speedway, Daytona Beach - (4) weekend getaways
Con-Lei Transport - (1) bike transport from the northeast to Sturgis 2011
Dixie Olin - Art For Bikers - (1) fine art print, signed and framed
Freeman Photographyof Iron Mountain - 1 hour "Hot Shotz" Photo Shoot
America's Best Inn - Iron Mountain, MI at ironmountainmotel.net
The Village Inn on the Lake - Two Rivers, WI at villageinnwi.com/
McCoy's Harley Davidson of Green Bay, WI - harleydavidsongreenbay.com
Grand Beach / Sugar Beach - Traverse City, MI tcresorts.com/
The following magazines have published the BASH 2010 flyer in their online and print magazines and/or sent information about BASH 2010 via email to their subscribers. We wish to thank:
Bars4Bikers.com - worldwide directory of biker-friendly bars & bike nights.
Chromed Out Motorcycle Magazine, distributed quarterly in 14 states, online at chromedoutmag.com
Cycle Source Magazine, published in Pensylvania and distributed nationwide at bike events and rallies, online at cyclesource.com.
Cycle Source World Report - News Blog at cyclesource.com/newsblog
Owensboro Biker News Magazine in Kentucky, online at owensborobikernews.com
Welcome Bikers - Canadian & US Events - online at welcomebikers.com
Thanks also for online event calendar listings at eventful.com/chatham_mi/events, lightningcustoms.com/ and motorcyclelife.net,
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