This week coming up: BIG MOUNAIN RUN - May 19 to 23, 2010. You can join Marilyn Elmore, photographer and author of Chessie's Tales and the Limpnickie custom builders for the 2nd Annual Big Mountain Run.
"I'll be attending this fun old fashioned bike run and rally in Western North Carolina. I'll be meeting up with JoAnn Bortles of Crazy Horse Painting and a couple thousand fans of Limpnickie.... I'm looking forward to this... Like I've never looked forward to a rally before,"
Marilyn has been writing "Chessie's Tales, Rides and Motorcycles" since Jan. 10, 2009 - The blog is a rider's account of pleasant miles spent on a motorcycle, along with stunning photography captured along country roads throughout Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and other points south.
"I'm a motorcycle rider," says Marilyn. "Been on the back of one type or another since 1971. It's been about 25 years since I owned a four wheeler of my own. In the past, I have questioned my sanity, not anymore, I am who I am. And I've found myself to be quite pleasant company. So come on, strap on the part of you that enjoys a good adventure and ride with me through Chessie's Tales."
Click here to watch the Big Mountain Run video details.
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