Friday, May 14, 2010

Old Iron Horse - Bike of the Week

Direct from Carl Hanlon of Guilty Customs are some details about this 1968 Ironhead Sportster that is just beautiful to look at from any direction... and it's going to be a whole new work of art by the time CJ makes the delivery to owner, Jerome Reed.

Here's what CJ had to say... and how you can follow this project.

Jerome Reed is a cool guy. Plain and simple. He likes cigars, beer, his wife and children (actually loves them) and especially his bikes. One particular bike is his little 68′ sporty, which we’ve had the pleasure of “customizing a bit”. (Sadistic laugh here).

Jerome, who is an emergency room trauma nurse (and Afghan veteran!), knew exactly what he wanted when he approached us and we believe he’s getting just that.

We’ve just gotten the skins back at the shop from Steve O’Brien at Liquid Illusions and here is a first look at them (before clear coat). Steve is doing another slam up paint job for Jerome's 68. Unique color combo's and super finish.

Once JD get’s some professional pic’s of the bike we’ll post an update. We can tell you that since we’ve already got magazines wanting to feature the bike you’ll see it on the news stands sometime this year, hopefully. (You know how mag’s can be). So keep a look out. IF you want to see more of the bike go to our Facebook page HERE.

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