Sunday, May 22, 2011

Everybody but me

I’m shocked I’m even posting this. It’s been ages since my last update, and to be honest, I was planning on deleting my blog, simply because I don’t know what to blog about anymore.
There’s been a lot of things going on, regarding my uni/private life & now I’m forced to start from scratch as I am no longer in possession of my documents or pictures. Some person is now having fun with my electronic devices and I am left to figure out how to retrieve all the lost information. Thanks a bunch!

So, I am still thinking about what I want to do with this blog, and any ideas/request are more than welcome.  Just drop me a comment .

A friend of mine and I are also working on a Youtube channel, which we’ll hopefully be able to launch shortly. I’m really excited about this project, as it is something we’ve been talking about doing since Highschool.

THANK YOU to all of you for following/sticking around. I still can’t believe anyone would willingly do so xD I’m more than willing to return the favor, so if I haven’t checked out your blog yet, leave your link in the comments sections!

Hope you are all doing well!!

@the top picture; two things I am currently loving:  Lykke Li and topknots!
P.S.:  I’ve jumped upon the bandwagon & joined twitter. It’s rather entertaining for all those boring hours spent in class/on the train etc. You can find me @itsmisha_ . Let me know if your name for a chitchat! :]

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