For the last several years, I have enjoyed writing about major motorcycle events and rallies all over the world and I've made some great friends. Two of my favorite industry friends live on opposite coasts in the USA and they have agreed to become contributors. ~ May 31, 2011 ~ MJ Reynolds, editor and owner of MJR Media.
Jeff Darwell - the good looking guy on the right, pictured with the Ice Cream Man From Hell, Jimmy Trotta - is the owner/editor of
His website is based in Orlando, Florida but it features biker bars and biker-friendly places all over the world.
Jeff will be featuring one of his favorite bars from somewhere in the world on a weekly basis right here on the "Motorcycle Event News" bike week news blog.
Bars4Bikers... where IT IS about the destination.
WEST COAST & Beyond - Lisa Ballard, the west coast editor of Cycle Source Magazine and Cycle Source Blog is also the marketing director for Limpnickie Lot builders. So get ready for news from the west coast and beyond from a true insider! This photo of Lisa (BTW) was take of her with the Source guys at Daytona Bike Week.
Her husband is Duane Ballard - and she is friends with some of the coolest young-to-old builders on the planet. We share a special interest in biker art, so also look for her posts on Motorcycle Art Shows. More about Lisa at her blog: TheShinySide.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day - A Canadian Perspective

Today is Memorial Day in the United States and five years ago before I started all my Support Our Troops effort I did not know anyone personally in the USA and I wasn’t a member of Face Book so there was no status to post in honour of troops in the States. The first person I met through my groups was Angelia Phillips. Her son PFC Michael Phillips was killed in action in IRAQ and through his passing me and Angelia have become very close friends and she was the first official volunteer of

Through the “Thank A Soldier” cause page on Facebook I have met many members of the forces serving in IRAQ & Afghanistan and paired up schools with them as pen pals, and sent care packages to some troops in IRAQ that had some Tim Hortons coffee when they were in Afghanistan and requested some be sent.
In Feb 2009 Jason Joyce of The US ARMY organized to have an American flag flown in Taiji, Iraq for a day in honour of and our group members. To me this was something amazing as being from Canada to get this honour from friends in the military in the USA spoke volumes of taking down the borders of troops support.

I have also become friends with some people that run some amazing organizations in the States such as Operation Gratitude, Wounded Warriors Project, Bonnie Jill laflins Hounds for Heroes, Hike For Heroes and many more.
I’m writing this post because someone questioned me as to why I was posting Memorial Day posts if I am in Canada. Well my answer to that is simply our men and women stand together in battle, we should support them together as well. Right now there are Canadian troops leading operations in Afghanistan, There are Canadian troops helping with training in Texas and California
Last year on the day before Memorial Day I received the following in my email :
Dave Murphy, thank you sir for all you do with regards to our brave man and women in uniform. I know we don’t know each other, that’s why I feel somewhat uncomfortable asking you for a very big favor. I know you’re very busy, especially today, but I still like to ask if you can help me.
Sgt. *. ****, a hero and a dear friend of mine, served 20 years in US Army, saw combat in three wars and if you should ever speak with him, he’ll make it sound like no big deal. To get to my point. He just had a liver biopsy done last Thursday, The test came back, cancerous tumor of the liver, the Doc. said. Needles to say he’s not in the best of spirits. I know that he is not the only one having health issues, so why him? He has a son that’s due to graduate from helicopter school, that’s his only family here in US. We are both originally from Romania. As far as friends, not many. He lives in ******* Ft. Stewart by him self. I was thinking, today being Memorial Day and the bad news, maybe you could give him a call just to say a few good words. I will call him too, but I doubt that he will get more then three, four calls.I think it will mean allot to him.
So I thought ok Memorial Day I can do this, I finally got up the nerve and gave him a call, told him who I was and what my website does. I also told him that I would send out a request for thoughts and prayers for what he is about to go to and I could tell it meant a lot to him. When he asked where I was calling from and I said “Calgary, Alberta Canada” he says “But you are not American, no” I said “Soldiers are soldiers as long as they are Coalition allies and I respect what you do” There was a silence on the phone and he simply thanked me for calling and thinking of him, but it made me so proud to talk to one of our heroes. He had served in three different wars, given 20 years of service to the United States ARMY and I am so honored to have spoken with him today. I have removed his name from this write up but please keep him in your thoughts and prayers if you can.
I will never forget that call and always observe Memorial Day along with you all.
Thank You
24th Rolling Thunder First Amendment Ride Through Washington

This was the scene of Rolling Thunder XXIV, May 29th 2011!
Rolling Thunder began in 1987 as a demonstration to bring awareness to the plight of prisoners of war (POW) and to those missing in action (MIA). Rolling Thunder originated when four Vietnam Veterans, exercising the First Amendment "Right to Petition and Assemble," organized the first group of 2,500 motorcycles to ride through the streets of Washington, DC. This first Rolling Thunder run was made in an attempt to petition the government to take responsibility for the soldiers that were abandoned after the Vietnam War ended.
Thanks To The Brave!! And Thanks to Southern Bike Night TV for posting their season finale - Rolling Thunder XXIII interview in 2010 with Artie Muller, national executive director and one of the founders of Rolling Thunder First Amendment Demonstration.
There was an official count of 500,000 motorcycles in the demonstration and in the parking lot, with an estimated crowd total of 900,000 for the 2009 Ride Through Washington and that number was expected to top one million by 2010 or 2011.
Rolling Thunder began in 1987 as a demonstration to bring awareness to the plight of prisoners of war (POW) and to those missing in action (MIA). Rolling Thunder originated when four Vietnam Veterans, exercising the First Amendment "Right to Petition and Assemble," organized the first group of 2,500 motorcycles to ride through the streets of Washington, DC. This first Rolling Thunder run was made in an attempt to petition the government to take responsibility for the soldiers that were abandoned after the Vietnam War ended.
Thanks To The Brave!! And Thanks to Southern Bike Night TV for posting their season finale - Rolling Thunder XXIII interview in 2010 with Artie Muller, national executive director and one of the founders of Rolling Thunder First Amendment Demonstration.
There was an official count of 500,000 motorcycles in the demonstration and in the parking lot, with an estimated crowd total of 900,000 for the 2009 Ride Through Washington and that number was expected to top one million by 2010 or 2011.
Rolling Thunder 2011 - Former vice presidential candidate, Sarah Palin announced last week that she would be kicking off a new "One Nation" bus tour over Memorial Day weekend 2011 in Washington DC.
There was speculation that she might join the Rolling Thunder First Amendment Ride Through Washington, and she did.The 24th Rolling Thunder Run was Sunday, May 29th and Ms. Palin was among riders close to the front, riding on the back of a black Harley-Davidson. She apparently did not make prior arrangements with organizers of the massive ride, creating a lot of confusion and delaying the ride, when she came to the front of the Pentagon's north parking lot, where event staff and press were assembled.
“I’m very not appreciative of the way she came in here,” Ted Shpak, Rolling Thunder’s national legislative director, said in a press interview. “If she wanted to come on the ride, she should have come in the back.”
Rolling Thunder has evolved to be not only a demonstration for the POW/MIA issue but also a demonstration of patriotism and respect for soldiers and veterans from all wars. With the approaching 10th anniversary of 9/11 there is even more emphasis on the broader cause of honoring patriotic heroes.
Related Rolling Thunder video post
This year, about 80 riders including U.S. Rep. Allen West, NBC4's Jim Vance, and 105.9 The Edges' Mike O'Meara participated in a ride on Friday to RFK Stadium, two miles east of DC to kick off a new 4-day event, Stars, Stripes & Spokes that also featured military equipment and vehicle displays, camping, concerts and vendors.
A Stars, Stripes & Spokes custom bike was built by Sterling, Virginia Hardcore Choppers and is being raffled off to benefit veteran programs at Walter Reed Hospital.
Photos courtesy of friends at the 2011 Rolling Thunder and Stars, Stripes & Spokes.This year, about 80 riders including U.S. Rep. Allen West, NBC4's Jim Vance, and 105.9 The Edges' Mike O'Meara participated in a ride on Friday to RFK Stadium, two miles east of DC to kick off a new 4-day event, Stars, Stripes & Spokes that also featured military equipment and vehicle displays, camping, concerts and vendors.
A Stars, Stripes & Spokes custom bike was built by Sterling, Virginia Hardcore Choppers and is being raffled off to benefit veteran programs at Walter Reed Hospital.
Posted by MJ Lloyd Reynolds/MJR Media marketing services for the motorcycle industry -
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Bandit's BikerNet Celebrates 15 Years
Keith Ball owns a company called 5Ball Inc. based in Wilmington, CA and for the last 15 years he has been producing Bandit's Bikernet at -- a free digital news website with a subscription based "Cantina" zone.
I have not met Keith face-to-face, but over the years, I feel like we have become online friends. He was the first website editor to extend a "welcome" and offer encouragement when I popped up on his radar as a new bike website editor... He is in California and I am in Florida. He doesn't miss anything!
Since then, I have heard countless stories about his kind encouragement of fellow-authors and web editors. If he can directly help a media friend in any way, he will immediately! He is a beautiful man, inside and out!
Where the ride begins and the
Adventure never ends
Bandit is writing the 15-year epic history of Bikernet... and he says, "Good god what a daughting task. I had to figure out when we built the Blue Flame, when I hit the deer, and when we moved into our existing 1923 building. It's nuts, but for new readers; it will spell out the big steps we took to get to this point."
I read a lot of motorcycle news, but I really enjoy the Thursday news by Bandit, Scott Jacobs, Bob T., Gypsy Raoul, Mark Blackwell, Norm, Don Smith, Billy McCahill, Tim Porter, River Rat, Uncle Monkey, Mike Pullin, Ron, Vickie Kelly, Dennis Johnson, Rogue, Cigar Marc, Sin Wu, and the whole gang at - Thanks Bandit "Ride Forever!"
Posted by MJ Lloyd Reynolds/MJR Media marketing services for the motorcycle industry -
I have not met Keith face-to-face, but over the years, I feel like we have become online friends. He was the first website editor to extend a "welcome" and offer encouragement when I popped up on his radar as a new bike website editor... He is in California and I am in Florida. He doesn't miss anything!
Since then, I have heard countless stories about his kind encouragement of fellow-authors and web editors. If he can directly help a media friend in any way, he will immediately! He is a beautiful man, inside and out!
Where the ride begins and the
Adventure never ends
Bandit is writing the 15-year epic history of Bikernet... and he says, "Good god what a daughting task. I had to figure out when we built the Blue Flame, when I hit the deer, and when we moved into our existing 1923 building. It's nuts, but for new readers; it will spell out the big steps we took to get to this point."
I read a lot of motorcycle news, but I really enjoy the Thursday news by Bandit, Scott Jacobs, Bob T., Gypsy Raoul, Mark Blackwell, Norm, Don Smith, Billy McCahill, Tim Porter, River Rat, Uncle Monkey, Mike Pullin, Ron, Vickie Kelly, Dennis Johnson, Rogue, Cigar Marc, Sin Wu, and the whole gang at - Thanks Bandit "Ride Forever!"
Posted by MJ Lloyd Reynolds/MJR Media marketing services for the motorcycle industry -
Meet some friends of ours
A few days ago I had the pleasure of speaking with Michelle McQuigge from the Canadian press about what our plans were after Canada’s combat mission ended in Afghanistan. I wanted to feature the article on here to introduce you to some other Canadians doing amazing things also who were also featured in this article.
Hero To Hero – Team Canada – Kevin McHarg I met Kevin a few years back on Facebook and heard of the Hero to Hero program which is a morale program for Canadian & US troops where first responders send the shirts off their backs with messages of support on them as well as care packages to our men and women serving. You can also check out HeroToHero.US for the US Version.

The Red Friday Ladies – Karen & Lisa These two ladies are responsible for bringing Red Friday to Canada five years ago this month and also have hearts of gold when it comes to Support Of our troops. They have no ulterior means or out for any sort of gain or recognition for the things they do they just want people to never forget our men and women all over the world. Check out “The Red Friday Ladies” on Facebook & Twitter
"Karen Wilson (AKA Petrolia Cookie Lady) has sent thousands of cookies to our Canadian Military overseas . On May 28, 2011 she had sent 35,700 cookies. All baked in her home by herself. She sells her cookies and "Support our Troops" buttons that her husband M.B. makes to raise the money to make the cookies. The people of Petrolia and business of Petrolia have helped her make her dream come true and she continues today sending cookies. She wants our Canadian Soldiers to know that they are loved, they are our Hero's and will never be forgotten. Check out her Facebook page
Michelle McQuigge, The Canadian Press
TORONTO - When Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan entered its final phase, Karen Wilson got on board. The Ontario grandmother doubled her electric bill and burned out a convection oven while producing more than 35,000 cookies as a show of support to the Canadian soldiers who were putting their lives on the line in the war-ravaged country.
"Even when I bake in the summer when it's hot, I keep thinking when I pull them out of the oven, I'm hot and the sweat's coming off me maybe a little bit, but I think, 'Those young guys are over there, and they're in much worse conditions than I am,'" Wilson said.
"If I can just send a little bit of love and the taste of home, it makes me happy."
Wilson's attitude is typical of the civilians who devoted time and often money to the cause of promoting Canada's troops. The nearly decade-long mission in Afghanistan has inspired Canadians across the country, many of whom had no direct connection with the military, to launch grassroots projects designed to encourage soldiers in their work.
Some of those initiatives, such as the "Red Fridays" movement, took on a national scope and demanded major commitments from their founders. Military wives Lisa Miller and Karen Boire have spent the past five years organizing campaigns and rallies urging Canadians to don red on Fridays as a mark of support for the troops. Miller admitted to feeling a little burned out.
"No matter how good a cause it is, people get weary of hearing about it. You can't do anything about it except try and do your part to keep things going." McHarg collects used shirts from fellow firefighters, police officers and other first responders across the country. The shirts are emblazoned with handwritten messages of encouragement, packed up with contributions from local businesses, including Wilson's cookies, and shipped to soldiers serving abroad. McHarg, who currently devotes a part of every day to his project, said he'll likely have to work even harder to drum up future clothing donations once the combat mission ends.
The end of Canadian combat in Afghanistan won't diminish Hero to Hero's mandate, he added: there will still be hundreds of soldiers deployed in Afghanistan in a training capacity, as well as many others in locales around the world, including Haiti and Libya.
Dave Murphy, a 35-year-old Calgary resident behind a series of online campaigns to promote the efforts of Canadian soldiers, said he feels the same way. Murphy's website,, has attracted more than 4.1 million Facebook supporters from around the world, about a quarter of whom live in Canada, he said. Some of Murphy's advocacy efforts were directly tied to the Afghan mission, such as the successful campaign to encourage Tim Hortons to provide free coffee to the soldiers deployed at Kandahar Airfield.
The end of the combat mission means even more opportunities to promote military causes, said Murphy, noting that his current campaign to raise awareness of post-traumatic stress disorder has taken on new urgency as war-weary soldiers return from the battlefield.
The Forces boosters all say supporting the troops must continue long after the mission in Afghanistan comes to an end. "Some people just assume that because our soldiers, for the most part, are coming out of Afghanistan that we're going to stop," McHarg said. It's just a matter of letting them know that no, we're not stopping."
This article has been featured in : Yahoo News Canada, Winnipeg Free Press, News1130,, Times Of India,,,, 570 News, 600 CKAT, 610 CKTB, 680 News,,, AM 1150,,,, My Kitchen, 630 CHED, CJOB 68 Manitoba, iNews 880,, News Talk 1010,,,, Penticton herald, The Cornwall Daily, AM 770 CHQR,, AM 980, 900 CHML, Q107, Kelowna Daily, 640 Toronto, CKNW, Yorkton This Week, CJ104 Toronto, Sarnia Times, K93,, Medicine Hat News, Humboldt Journal,, USA Today,,, Brandon Sun, Lethbridge Herald, NEWS,, Portal for North America, 923 Jack FM, Sask Lifestyles, The Guardian - News, Merrit News - Merritt BC, Western Star, The St. John's Telegram, Canadian Mortgage magazine, Cranbrook Daily
Hero To Hero – Team Canada – Kevin McHarg I met Kevin a few years back on Facebook and heard of the Hero to Hero program which is a morale program for Canadian & US troops where first responders send the shirts off their backs with messages of support on them as well as care packages to our men and women serving. You can also check out HeroToHero.US for the US Version.
The Red Friday Ladies – Karen & Lisa These two ladies are responsible for bringing Red Friday to Canada five years ago this month and also have hearts of gold when it comes to Support Of our troops. They have no ulterior means or out for any sort of gain or recognition for the things they do they just want people to never forget our men and women all over the world. Check out “The Red Friday Ladies” on Facebook & Twitter
"Karen Wilson (AKA Petrolia Cookie Lady) has sent thousands of cookies to our Canadian Military overseas . On May 28, 2011 she had sent 35,700 cookies. All baked in her home by herself. She sells her cookies and "Support our Troops" buttons that her husband M.B. makes to raise the money to make the cookies. The people of Petrolia and business of Petrolia have helped her make her dream come true and she continues today sending cookies. She wants our Canadian Soldiers to know that they are loved, they are our Hero's and will never be forgotten. Check out her Facebook page

TORONTO - When Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan entered its final phase, Karen Wilson got on board. The Ontario grandmother doubled her electric bill and burned out a convection oven while producing more than 35,000 cookies as a show of support to the Canadian soldiers who were putting their lives on the line in the war-ravaged country.
Labouring in her kitchen in Petrolia, Ont., Wilson churned out shortbread confections by the hundreds, devoting no less than eight hours a week to the task. On weekends, she sold baked goods and homemade "Support the Troops" buttons at community events to finance her project.
As Canada prepares to end its combat role in Afghanistan for good, Wilson is looking forward to the first lull in her schedule since 2008. She acknowledges looking forward to the break, which she expects to spend mostly with her grandchildren, but hopes the respite is temporary.
As Canada prepares to end its combat role in Afghanistan for good, Wilson is looking forward to the first lull in her schedule since 2008. She acknowledges looking forward to the break, which she expects to spend mostly with her grandchildren, but hopes the respite is temporary.
"Even when I bake in the summer when it's hot, I keep thinking when I pull them out of the oven, I'm hot and the sweat's coming off me maybe a little bit, but I think, 'Those young guys are over there, and they're in much worse conditions than I am,'" Wilson said.
"If I can just send a little bit of love and the taste of home, it makes me happy."
Wilson's attitude is typical of the civilians who devoted time and often money to the cause of promoting Canada's troops. The nearly decade-long mission in Afghanistan has inspired Canadians across the country, many of whom had no direct connection with the military, to launch grassroots projects designed to encourage soldiers in their work.
Some of those initiatives, such as the "Red Fridays" movement, took on a national scope and demanded major commitments from their founders. Military wives Lisa Miller and Karen Boire have spent the past five years organizing campaigns and rallies urging Canadians to don red on Fridays as a mark of support for the troops. Miller admitted to feeling a little burned out.
"I think I'm just going to take a break," she said. "It takes a lot of energy and time when you plan these events. I'd like to slow down a little bit." Miller and other military supporters, however, say their work is far from over, and are bracing for a long-term struggle to maintain public interest in military affairs once the high-profile mission has faded from the headlines.
Kevin McHarg, a firefighter from Sarnia, Ont., who started Hero to Hero Team Canada, said public support will almost certainly wane as the mission recedes into history. "Everything has a life," McHarg said.
Kevin McHarg, a firefighter from Sarnia, Ont., who started Hero to Hero Team Canada, said public support will almost certainly wane as the mission recedes into history. "Everything has a life," McHarg said.
"No matter how good a cause it is, people get weary of hearing about it. You can't do anything about it except try and do your part to keep things going." McHarg collects used shirts from fellow firefighters, police officers and other first responders across the country. The shirts are emblazoned with handwritten messages of encouragement, packed up with contributions from local businesses, including Wilson's cookies, and shipped to soldiers serving abroad. McHarg, who currently devotes a part of every day to his project, said he'll likely have to work even harder to drum up future clothing donations once the combat mission ends.
The end of Canadian combat in Afghanistan won't diminish Hero to Hero's mandate, he added: there will still be hundreds of soldiers deployed in Afghanistan in a training capacity, as well as many others in locales around the world, including Haiti and Libya.
Dave Murphy, a 35-year-old Calgary resident behind a series of online campaigns to promote the efforts of Canadian soldiers, said he feels the same way. Murphy's website,, has attracted more than 4.1 million Facebook supporters from around the world, about a quarter of whom live in Canada, he said. Some of Murphy's advocacy efforts were directly tied to the Afghan mission, such as the successful campaign to encourage Tim Hortons to provide free coffee to the soldiers deployed at Kandahar Airfield.
The end of the combat mission means even more opportunities to promote military causes, said Murphy, noting that his current campaign to raise awareness of post-traumatic stress disorder has taken on new urgency as war-weary soldiers return from the battlefield.
The Forces boosters all say supporting the troops must continue long after the mission in Afghanistan comes to an end. "Some people just assume that because our soldiers, for the most part, are coming out of Afghanistan that we're going to stop," McHarg said. It's just a matter of letting them know that no, we're not stopping."
This article has been featured in : Yahoo News Canada, Winnipeg Free Press, News1130,, Times Of India,,,, 570 News, 600 CKAT, 610 CKTB, 680 News,,, AM 1150,,,, My Kitchen, 630 CHED, CJOB 68 Manitoba, iNews 880,, News Talk 1010,,,, Penticton herald, The Cornwall Daily, AM 770 CHQR,, AM 980, 900 CHML, Q107, Kelowna Daily, 640 Toronto, CKNW, Yorkton This Week, CJ104 Toronto, Sarnia Times, K93,, Medicine Hat News, Humboldt Journal,, USA Today,,, Brandon Sun, Lethbridge Herald, NEWS,, Portal for North America, 923 Jack FM, Sask Lifestyles, The Guardian - News, Merrit News - Merritt BC, Western Star, The St. John's Telegram, Canadian Mortgage magazine, Cranbrook Daily
Friday, May 27, 2011
Taira Tomori in progress. (Horimatsu)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Kara-Jishi Botan in progress. (Horimatsu)
Rolling Thunder XXIV POW-MIA Ride Through Washington
"Run For the Wall" riders from as far away as California and Texas will again join fellow riders on Sunday, May 29th for the Rolling Thunder XXIV Ride Through Washington.. an event that draws more than 300,000 to the streets of DC.
Rolling Thunder -- the largest annual event in Washington D.C. -- is a First Amendment demonstration run that takes place during Memorial Day weekend for POW/MIA awareness. Here are some of the activities planned for the weekend.
Friday, May 27th - 9pm Candlelight Vigil at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Saturday, May 28th - 9am Thunder Alley opens at 22nd St & Constitution Ave
11 am - US Navy Memorial Wreath Laying, Navy Plaza, 701 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
11 am - 3 pm - Saluting our Troops...speakers/musical tributes located on state between Reflecting Pool and Lincoln Memorial.
Sunday, May 29th - 7 am - Reveille - bikers rally in North Pentagon Parking lot.
12 noon - Rolling Thunder XXIV starts...bikers depart the North Pentagon parking lot.
1:30 pm - Rolling Thunder Speaker Program - speakers on stage between Reflecting Pool and Lincoln Memorial.
Memorial Day, May 30 - 3 pm drawing for Rolling Thunder XXIV Raffle Bike 2011
at Thunder Alley, 22nd & Constitution Ave. NW. Tickets 3@ $10 available all weekend at Thunder Alley - Winner will be called by phone immediately after the drawing.
This year, there is also a free 4-day event, "Stars, Stripes & Spokes" at RFK stadium, two miles east of the Capitol.
"We ride for those who can't" is the motto of the organization, Run For The Wall.
Click the flyer below to learn more about the RFTW mission to bring veterans on a cross-country journey to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall & Rolling Thunder Ride.
By: Jennifer Jensen Walker
Thunder in the streets,
Tears in the eye,
As our love and honor
...Go to the ones that die.
We remember them,
We always hold them dear,
As they serve their country
Through their blood and fear.
Some families still wonder
Where their brothers may be hid,
But all we can do is honor them
For the service that they did.
So raise the flag up high!
Keep it ever from the dirt!
Help the soldiers in your life to see
We never want them hurt!
POW ... MIA ...
We pray that hearts will mend!
We cry for you, we ride for you,
Our vigil will not end!
Run for the wall!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
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