Sunday, January 3, 2010

Breaking the Surface, Filling the Lungs. Action!

Finally a working version of the Kofuu-Senju Publisher's website is up and running! In the next few weeks more information on various topics will be added, so check back when you have time and inclination to do so.

Work on the first book project, "Kokoro", a portrait of Master Horiyoshi III is progressing nicely.
Me and Horikitsune will return to Japan this spring to continue the collecting of photography and insights that was started last fall.
Besides "Kokoro" we have a number of projects and publications lined up for the years to come, so rest assured that we will be around for some time. Hopefully our work will tell the stories that we see as we look around within our personal universes, and hopefully you'll want to share those glimpses of the floating world with us.

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