Friday, May 11, 2012

The Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal - Thank You

On May 10th , 2012 I received the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal thanks to a Veteran with the Canadian Forces Mike Blais Rcr Cfds who now runs The Canadian Veterans Advocacy which is guided by the motto: "one veteran, one standard" and we will continue to advocate for all Canadian veterans until all veterans of all eras are treated equally.

I am truly humbled and honoured that he would submit me for a nomination to receive this and now that I’ve had 24 hours to let it sink in I wanted to put my thoughts on here.

First of all to every person who has joined any of my Facebook groups, followed me on Twitter, Watched a YouTube video of ours, sent in photos for The Gratitude Project, sent Tim Hortons certificates with our Coffee 4 Troops campaign, Shared a photo, signed the petition for the Canada Post stamp, video or post on our Facebook page I want to say THANK YOU. If it wasn’t for everyone taking part in all of this with me I would be “One guy on a page”

Every time I have ever done an interview with the media I always refer to “Thank A Soldier “ as “WE” not “I” as even though I’m the one person answering the emails and running the Facebook page it’s more of a community and I try and include everyone in everything I do whether the feedback is positive or negative.

Most Importantly to every member of our military past and present and their families that I have gotten to know in the last five years THANK YOU. I have learned so much from all of you and I am very thankful for that.

To all my friends that have lost loved ones serving that I have met in the last five years you have made me a better person. I have gained a whole new appreciation of family and how important it is. Yes, I loved my family always but meeting you have made me take nothing for granted that much more. Every one of you are in my thoughts and prayers always.  I truly feel all of our fallen heroes should get one of these medals also but every time that I wear it, I will wear it in memory of all our fallen heroes and their families.

I don’t do these things looking for recommendation or the spotlight however when they come from a nomination by Veterans I humbly accept them with honour. In October thanks to a nomination by Major John Haylock I will be Knighted into The Order Of St. George which also leaves me stuck for words. I am also inviting anyone who's a member of "Thank A Soldier" to come to the ceremony on October 13th, if you're interested in going you an R.S.V.P on the Facebook Event 

Again, I want to say Thank You to all my page members from every corner of the world I have no plans of stopping any time soon and am more determined than ever to make “Team Thank A Soldier” stronger than ever.

Dave Murphy – Calgary, Alberta

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