The 10th Anniversary Illinois Motorcycle Freedom Ride will roll into Marseilles, Illinois on Saturday, June 16th to honor three decades of US Veterans killed during wars in the Middle East, since 1979. They will gather at the Middle East Conflicts Wall Memorial. For Directions To The Wall < - Click Here. You can download a PDF event flyer < - here.  |
Carla: Middle East Conflicts Wall |
The Middle East Conflicts Granite Memorial Wall was dedicated on June 19, 2004 to commemorate the servicemen and women who have lost their lives in worldwide conflicts since 1979. The project was built with donated material and labor and is the first of its kind in US history to honor fallen soldiers by name, during the ongoing war. It took 20 years to Honor our Vietnam Veterans. Almost 60 years to Honor our World War II Veterans. The names on the wall represent our fallen heroes from such diverse locations as Panama, Lebanon, the Balkans, Grenada, Somalia, Haiti, USS Cole, USS Stark, Terrorist attacks in Italy, Greece, Scotland, and the current conflicts in the Middle East. 
The Purpose of the Illinois Motorcycle Freedom Run is to show "Our Brave Servicemen and Women, and their Families, that we support them, and to Honor Fallen Heroes."
The route is lined with Americans waving American Flags and paying tribute. In the past we have had 10's of thousands of participants. The money raised through generous donations is used to update and maintain the Memorial, and to put this wonderful event together. Co-Founder Jerry Kuczera remains on board to assist the organization. The first Memorial erected was in the small town of St Anne, Illinois, the hometown of Capt. Ryan A. Beaupre, one of Illinois' first casualties in the war against terror. Since then, memorials have been donated to all of the veteran homes and hospitals in the State of Illinois in Honor of all our Veterans , Past and Present.
"We have assisted many of our Fallen Heroes Children, with funds for their education, in hopes that through education, they will learn to diplomatically resolve their problems." - ilmotorcyclefreedomrun.org/
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