Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Thank A Soldier - T-Shirt Design Contest

So here's the plan, every day in my email I get people asking if we are going to be making t-shirts and we used to have them on our page for awhile but took them off as proceeds were used to pay for web hosting costs and such and don't need them any more.

So I'm thinking we should have a T-Shirt design contest for our group members.  For those who are not graphically inclined we will also do a shirt contest for people that can come up with the most creative saying to put on a shirt.

Once we receive atleast FIVE submissions (from each age group) of a design & slogan I will post them on our "Thank A Soldier" Facebook page and the design with the most "Likes" will have their shirt featured on our page and receive a free shirt with their design on it.

Proceeds from the sale of the shirts will go to Military Minds but we can also change this up every few months and pick charities from different countries too.

Categories : 
Ages 9 and under 
Ages 10-13 
Ages 14-18
Ages 18+

Rules : 
Deadline for first round of submissions will be April 30th 2012 in which voting will begin.  Designs & slogans (Sayings) must be original and not the property of any one else.  No copyrighted material may be submitted 

If you have an idea for what we could put on a T-Shirt, send it to

Please send your :  
Name, where you are located, age and contact information, unless you are submitting an entry for a child.  only the first name will be published on our website for anyone under the age of 18.

This contest is open to anyone, anywhere in the world!!

Please put "T-Shirt Submission" in the subject line of your email.

Thank You & Good Luck!

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