Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our 5th Birthday

On March 31st, 2007  I created a little Facebook group Called "Tim Hortons For Our Troops after I had heard that there had been a location opened in Afghanistan for troops and that they were paying for their coffee. What I didn’t know at the time but found out later was that Tim Hortons did not charge franchise fees and that all profit from the Timmies location go back in to the Military Families fund. The membership of this group grew very fast in just under a week it had already gained 4000 members and people wanted to help. Here we are four years later and group members have sent over $45,000 in free coffee. The Royal Canadian Legions troop morale fun had sent over $300,000 in free coffee to our troops deployed in Afghanistan.  
When my 92 year old grandmother in Grand- Falls Newfoundland heard m e on VOCM News (A station in Newfoundland) talking about Tim Hortons for our troops she wanted to get involved. Her and my aunt Shirley went out to Tim Hortons to buy their paper certificates and they wrote “God Bless you and stay safe” on every single one of them. About six months later the Military Family Resource Center had delivered all the certificates I had delivered that were sent to them from all over Canada. At the time I was running as a related group and I received a very nice email one day from an American soldier who had received the certificates from my grandmother and wanted to say thank you. 
I printed off the email and had it sent to my Nan and to this day she still has it framed and tells people about the nice letter she got back from a U.S. Soldier. On November 20th, 2007 just after moving to Calgary from Toronto I went out to check the mail and saw that I had received something from the Tim Hortons head office. 

I opened it and my jaw nearly hit the floor when I saw that they had sent me the last remaining Tim Hortons Kandahar hat that they were giving away as “Roll up the Rim” Afghanistan and apparently soldiers were trading digital cameras for them. I wear this hat proudly to this day and didn’t want to put it away or on a shelf. In February of 2009, we had a new manager starting at the company I used to work for and I had heard that he had done three tours in Afghanistan as a sniper and was looking forward to meeting him. After about week of him being there I went to introduce myself and told him about the site 

 and what we were doing. He not only had heard of it , he had received a stack of Tim Hortons certificates from a group of grade four students at a school in Toronto, Ontario. He said “Tomorrow, I have to bring something to show you” . The next day he came in to work and showed me one of the certificates he had received and on it was a drawing of a heart, with the words “I LOVE YOU – Please come home safe” from a student in grade three. He told me he had used the other one’s but kept this one in his pocket during all three of his tours and wanted to keep it with him until he did make it home.
A few months later, I received an email from a group of soldiers that were just back from tour and had received certificates from a elementary school in Toronto, Ontario and they wanted me to arrange to go in to meet the kids and say thank you. I contacted the principal and told her and they were very excited to meet them. So I had arranged this and i didn’t know that they were bringing the entire school in for an assembly in which I had to give a speech in front of. A little nerve wrecking to say the least but before I got up to speak the principal gave an amazing speech about how the kids should never feel like ideas are insignificant as “One drop of water in the ocean is all it takes” The soldiers then spoke and I’ve never seen a more quiet bunch of kids in all my life and that is one day I will never forget.
In 2009 after two years of running Tim Hortons for Our Troops and I went to log on to the site and saw a message from a company in Pakistan that had shut my site down with some pretty hateful messages all over my main page towards our troops. I wanted to give up and throw in the towel as all my work, my pictures and website was gone. This group had totally destroyed the server that was hosting it. I was talking with the mother of a fallen soldier who died serving his country at the age of 24 and she said “You can’t quit, I’ve met so many people from your site and other fallen soldiers families that have helped me grieve. When soldiers are killed in Afghanistan the other soldiers have to keep going the next day and move on” Those words will stick with me for as long as I live.
The next day I was listening to "The Red & White" by Julian Austin and there is a line in it that says "Do we take the time to Thank A Soldier for everything they do" and thus "THANK A SOLDIER" was launched.
I wanted to thank every one who sent certificates when we were doing this, who invited people to the groups and have always supported this and my other projects. Thank You to Tim Hortons for supplying the location at no cost and allowing the proceeds sold to go back to the military families that need it.  
The doors of the Tim Hortons in Afghanistan are now closed as of November 2011 but I hope we atleast made the lives of our troops a little easier.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Thank A Soldier - T-Shirt Design Contest

So here's the plan, every day in my email I get people asking if we are going to be making t-shirts and we used to have them on our page for awhile but took them off as proceeds were used to pay for web hosting costs and such and don't need them any more.

So I'm thinking we should have a T-Shirt design contest for our group members.  For those who are not graphically inclined we will also do a shirt contest for people that can come up with the most creative saying to put on a shirt.

Once we receive atleast FIVE submissions (from each age group) of a design & slogan I will post them on our "Thank A Soldier" Facebook page and the design with the most "Likes" will have their shirt featured on our page and receive a free shirt with their design on it.

Proceeds from the sale of the shirts will go to Military Minds but we can also change this up every few months and pick charities from different countries too.

Categories : 
Ages 9 and under 
Ages 10-13 
Ages 14-18
Ages 18+

Rules : 
Deadline for first round of submissions will be April 30th 2012 in which voting will begin.  Designs & slogans (Sayings) must be original and not the property of any one else.  No copyrighted material may be submitted 

If you have an idea for what we could put on a T-Shirt, send it to

Please send your :  
Name, where you are located, age and contact information, unless you are submitting an entry for a child.  only the first name will be published on our website for anyone under the age of 18.

This contest is open to anyone, anywhere in the world!!

Please put "T-Shirt Submission" in the subject line of your email.

Thank You & Good Luck!

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Tribute tattoo for fallen heroes


This tattoo is Damian Dyke's tribute to fallen soldiers the quote across his soldiers is from a DMX song and reads :

""If it takes for me to suffer for my brother to see the light, Give me pain till I die, but please Lord treat him right"

Damien served as a personnel support worker for the Canadian Forces for four years in Afghanistan and this was his way of showing respect to our fallen heroes.The tattoo was inspired by a Slyvia Picota painting called "Croix" 

The photo that inspired the tattoo:

Photo via Silvia Pecota Artiwork

Do you have a military tribute or military themed tattoo? Email it to us and it may be featured in our upcoming YouTube video featuring tribute artwork

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Horimatsu Irezumi website!

Finally there is a real Horimatsu website, much due to the dilligent efforts of my dear friend Alex Kofuu Reinke Horikitsune. Please go to This blog has been added to the website and all new posts will be done there.
You are very welcome.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


For the last five years I have been running various efforts to show gratitude to our men and women serving our countries and those that have served in the past and have given a lot of my time to spread a positive message. I am a huge user of Twitter & Facebook as outlets to get the message out there to show appreciation but too many times the only time you see major coverage of our soldiers on the news is when they do something controversial or when we sadly lose on in battle.

Well that is about to change.

I believe every day this should be done but I wanted to set aside ONE special day a week being Thursday for people to take part in posting positive messages on their Twitter feeds & Facebook status and tag them #TeamTas  Once this tag catches on hopefully #TeamTAS will be an every day tag but until that happens we're going to be pushing it hard on every Thursday.

We see a lot of Team this, team that’s that celebrities and their fans post and they are trending within a matter of minutes. Whenever “The Voice” is on TV you will see #TeamXtina, #TeamBlake, #TeamAdam and #TeamClo all trending and no disprespect to them but it’s time to cause a shake up.  Every glittery vampire in the Twilight series has their own "Team" so why not one for our brave men and women serving and our veterans?

That being said I’m askin everyone to post a positive message to our troops on every Thursday and tag it #TeamTAS.

Whether it’s a shout out to someone you know on Twitter that is a member of the military or a veteran, whether its a tribute YouTube video or positive story, or SIMPLY a message saying thank you. If we get enough people tweeting with #TeamTAS in it we’d be on the Trending Topics list in no time at all.  If you would like to post a photo to Twitter and tag it, or link to your favourite military related YouTube video that is also ok just as long as #TeamTAS is in there some where.

This is not an ego stroke or anything self promoting it’s a chance to get the word out to the world about what we do and if you are a member of our Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter, you are already on #TeamTas

Please also feel free to take a photo of yourself holding a piece of paper with #TeamTas on it too and I'll repost them on our Facebook page.  Like our friend Tori did below!

Tori from It's Tori Time joined #TeamTas today

NOTE : If you don't use facebook you are free to upload a photo to OUR FACEBOOK PAGE holding a sign with #TeamTAS on it and I will gladly post on twitter for you too.

We’ve made two Twitter buttons below that will automatically send a tweet to your feed for you

1. Click below to automatically tweet this page in your feed

If you would like to type your own message click the button below to Tweet to the #TeamTAS tag:

Watch our YouTube video :

Check out other members of #TeamTAS

Check out Military Minds on Facebook

SUBSCRIBE to FUNKER530's YouTube Channel for rare Afghanistan Combat Footage 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Our Duty - Photo Project


Our Duty is planning a series of videos to increase public awareness of what Canadian Forces and RCMP veterans have endured.

The public has seen a lot of war in Afghanistan but not much else. We forget all the other things, so Our Duty would like to post some reminders. We'd like veterans and families to submit photos for inclusion in these videos. In particular, we are seeking pictures of:
- Domestic ops, especially hurricane cleanup, the Quebec Ice Storm, Winnipeg Floods, etc.
- SAR training and/or ops
- Peacekeeping ops, especially interactions with locals
- Humourous pics of fun times - camp life, goofing around, etc.
- WOW pics of you doing amazing things: jump school, HAR training, live-fire exercise, anything that looks really cool

To submit, you can email your pics to or join the Our Duty group and post them.

- Your name,
- Date and location of photo (if possible),
- Brief explanation of photo (i.e., "Mortar training, I'm the gal in the middle"),
- Mission name (if it has one),

NOTE: These must be your own pictures, either taken by you or with you in them. This is for copyright reasons, so that you can authorize Our Duty to use them. All copyrights will remain with the owner; we will be using them with your permission. (We'll send out an authorization form before we use them.)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thank A Soldier - Bumper Sticker

The most requested item I've gotten in the last few years is to make a bumper sticker so I decided to go ahead and do it.  We will be giving all proceeds from the sale of these stickers to Military Minds which will be $1.00 per every on sold.

We also will be giving away FIVE of these on April 30th and details about how you canter by Facebook, Twitter & by email are listed below.

Thank You! 

To purchase any of the above bumper stickers you can ORDER HERE! ($1.00 from each one will go to Military Minds)


Twitter : Click the Tweet button below to be entered once

To enter on Facebook go to our Facebook page and SHARE THIS POST

To enter via email answer the question "What is the name of the person I started the "Thank A Soldier Weight Loss challenge with" The answer is here send your answer to our CONTEST EMAIL 

Contest closes APRIL 30th, 2012

Please feel free to leave a comment as to what you would like to see added and all these are also available for purchase by visiting the Zazzle page 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Marvel's June 2012 solicitations have begun to leak out and among them are issues #6 and #7 of Winter Soldier - both of which I'm happy to say I did the covers for. I really enjoyed drawing and painting the character again and hopefully there will be more to come.

Here are the solicitations from Marvel:

• Ed Brubaker is reunited with famed artist Michael Lark (DAREDEVIL) who joins for the Winter Soldier’s second arc “Broken Arrow” with original Winter Soldier artist Steve Epting taking the reins on covers!
• Winter Soldier finds himself on a twisted trail from coast to coast and past to present...
• ...chasing the insane man who will become his worst enemy.
• And an inciting incident you won’t forget!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

• Part Two of “Broken Arrow” - The aftermath of a tragic and savage murder.
• A villain who knows Bucky is really alive.
• Winter Soldier and Black Widow on a hunt that gets personal!
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

Ryu to Momiji.

Thimo from Germany came for a visit in order to start a new Nagasode irezumi tattoo. After three sessions we left it like this. Hopefully it will be concluded before the end of this upcoming summer.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meet a very special Golden Retriever

Hi!  My full name is MuchAdo Formula for Victory, but my friends just call me Tori!  While I’ve got a few fancy schmantzy titles in obedience, field and agility, and even one in dock diving, the thing I love doing most is putting smiles on people’s faces.

Back in January 2011, when I heard that Troy & Mareike Yocum (Drum Hike/Hike for Heroes) were walking across the United States to raise funds for struggling military families, I thought that was pretty neat.  But then when I heard that Emmie, their shiba inu, and Harley, their chihuahua, were walking, too, I thought that was even cooler!  I asked Mom if it was okay if I tried to get sponsors to help their mission, and she told me to go for it.  I figured I’d be lucky to raise a couple hundred dollars, but my friends really came through for me, and I ended up walking 275 miles and bringing in just under $4700! 

Helping our military is pretty important to me.  Several of my mom’s family members are veterans, and I know the ones who serve are the ones who keep us safe!  I had just become a therapy dog when 9/11 happened.  Because I still needed to complete some paperwork, I couldn’t go to the Pentagon Family Assistance Centerto help like my “brother” Irish did, but I remember the stories Irish shared with me about those who talked to him at the Pentagon.  When I went to the 2008 Pentagon Memorial Dedication in Irish’s place (he was 15 then, and it would have been too long a day for him), I enjoyed meeting some of the family members, and he was glad to hear later that they remembered him!  

I know a lot of people joined the military after 9/11, and some of my favorite therapy visits of all were to our Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed Army Medical Center between 2004 and 2007.  While I hated to know they were in the hospital, I was glad to put a smile on their faces and let them know how much I appreciated their service!  Another favorite “job” has been going to the yearly Parents and Children Fighting Cancer Christmas party at Andrews Air Force Base for the past seven years!

When Troy asked if I could help out by walking again, I told him I sure could, and I signed up to do 400 more miles between Veterans Day 2011 and 4th of July, 2012.  Since I’ll be 12 when we finish, I signed my “sister” Bridget (a three-year-old corgi mix) and my six-year-old nephew Breaker up also as part of Team Tori.  I’m in great shape and I expect I’ll be able to get all the miles done myself, but just in case I have an “off” day, I don’t want to leave my friends hanging! 

I know I could finish up the miles easily if I just walked around the neighborhood a mile or two a day, but our military don’t have it easy, and I don’t think I should either!  That’s why I try to plan most of my hikes to be four to six or even more miles at a time, and I love the hikes that are out in nature the best!  Some of them have been a bit tougher than I expected, but it’s all been worth it.  My favorite hikes are the ones that include somewhere to swim and M-U-D!! 

I’m looking forward to finishing my 400 miles and bringing in a lot more money for our military families.  If you want to keep track of my journey, look me up on my Facebook page – “It’s Tori Time”. 

Have paws, will travel!  Slurps and tail wags, Tori 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


New tattoo shops pop up all over the place...globally...scribblers or not, once the market is saturated, prospective new tattoo collectors could be baffled with all the choices..logic would tell anyone to "DO YOUR HOMEWORK !" do NOT wanna leave disappointed and disillusioned with something that doesn't wash off as easily as last nights guilty escapades...hmmm...

Juan, has left the shop.. we're all proud of him for his new venture. Superfly tattoo in the city of Leon in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. His own shop, his own model machine....

ANYHOW...Juan "Superfly" Arreguin...YES the Godoy Machines "Superfly" tattoo machine model is his...has opened a WINNER OF A SHOP in the city of LEON in the Mexican state of GUANAJUATO!!!

An escape for any tattoo collector who is choosy and demands perfection...this isn't a fly by night locale...You come here with a purpose you leave here with your dream embedded in your skin.

Juan "Superfly" Arreguin is an award winner, not limited by style, technique or genre...harboring a never ending river of creativity, style, professionalism and personality.

Yes this shop is SUPER, the tattoos he administers are SUPER !

The Godoy Machines "Superfly" is SUPER...



In stores this week - the EXTRA SIZED Fantastic Four #604 by Jonathan Hickman, Me, Rick Magyar, Paul Mounts, and Clayton Cowles. The epic conclusion of a three year storyline and more Kirby Krackle per square inch than any other comic this month!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Elton Adams - East Coast Countdown

MCpl Elton Adams who we have featured on our blog many times with songs like "What A Soldier Left Behind" & "Hard" which we used in our Operation You're not alone campaign has just released a song with Canadian country artist Julian Austin called "My Canadian Girls"

For those of you who may not know Julian Austin's song "The Red & White" inspired me to create everything that is "Thank A Soldier" as there's a line in it that says "Do we take the time to thank a soldier for everything they do" and thus TAS was born.  He has played many shows for our troops in Afghanistan also and is one of the biggest supporters of our troops that I know.

We are asking that you take 10 seconds of your day vote for Elton in the East Coast Countown and help him get his music recognized.

There is no limit to how much you can vote, if you want to sit at your computer for the next 48 hours clicking VOTE every 10 seconds, GO FOR IT! ahahah 

There is no registration, all you have to do is click the above link, scroll down to "My Canadian Girls" by Elton Adams and click vote.  Then put a check mark in the YES box and click submit and you are done.  There is no sign up, you won't receive any emails from the East Coast Countdown site and you'll be showing support to a currently serving Canadian soldier who just makes music because its what he loves to do.

Thank You


View the video for "My Canadian Girls" below as well as several other videos we have made featuring Elton Adam's music.


I've posted some of the videos we've made using Eltons Music below as well 

Friday, March 9, 2012

What's Happening at the 71st Daytona Bike Week 2012

The 71st Daytona Bike Week enjoyed nearly picture-perfect Florida weather, March 9 to 18 with temps in the low to high 70s and only a couple of rain days. Bike Week 2012 was one week later than usual, due to a scheduling conflict at Daytona International Speedway. So bikers mingled on the beaches and in the bars with spring breakers on the last weekend, but no one seemed to mind.

Cold beer, hot biker chicks, world-class racing, bike shows and hundreds of vendors draw an estimated 500,000 visitors to the Daytona Beach event every year. 

Related story: 70th Bike Week Anniversary.

Saturday, March 10th 2012 - many bike riders headed to DeLand (20 miles west on US 92) for the Pro-Am Bike Show & DeLand Rally that featured bands on two stages downtown and bike-only parking.

The historic downtown is filled with building-sized murals that make a beautiful backdrop for motorcycle photographs. 

Biker author, Edward Winterhalder was at the Seminole Harley-Davidson booth in DeLand on Saturday. He is also the creator and executive producer of the Biker Chicz reality TV series. 

Because NASCAR pushed the date of the 2012 Daytona 500 back one week, Daytona Bike Week 2012 started a week later in order to give Daytona International Speedway time to prepare for the Daytona Supercross and Daytona 200 motorcycle races.

Saturday, March 10th
The race draws the world's top Supercross riders such as Ryan Villopoto and Ryan Dungey to battle on a course designed by five-time winner Ricky Carmichael.

Thurs & Friday, March 15 & 16, The Daytona Flat Track hosted  AMA Pro Flat Track racing on a quarter-mile lime rock track in the West Lot, just outside Turns 1 and 2.
First Turn - by David Uhl
Saturday, March 17th, The Daytona 200 kicks off the AMA Pro Racing season with a 200-mile battle on Daytona's road course with America's top motorcycle stars.

During Bike Week 2012, the artist David Uhl was juggling events at two locations -- the Uhl Gallery at Destination Daytona (Ormond Beach) and the new Uhl Works Patio at Beach Street Harley-Davidson, downtown Daytona Beach.

Tuesday, March 13, David Uhl, Cris Sommer-Simmons and Pat Simmons (Doobie Brothers) signed signing limited-edition giclee prints of David's latest masterpiece, "Leading Ladies," and Cris's new book, "The American Motorcycle Girl's Cannonball Diary," along with a solo acoustic concert by Pat. Special appearances by Gloria Tramontin Struck, David's new "Woman of Harley," along with appearances by Laura Klock and Jodi Perewitz. David Uhl painted "Leading Ladies" last year, but waited to release it until Cris had completed her Cannonball book.

Tuesday, March 13, the 5th Annual Harley-Davidson MDA Women's Ride rolled out from Riverfront Park on Beach Street at 10am and returned at 1pm. Details:

The 2012 Bike Shows

This year, the Limpnickie Lot of "next generation" builders was at Stone Edge Skate Park, 1848 S. Ridgewood Ave. in South Daytona, with Led Sled/ Street Chopper across from Limpnickie and a new lot at Iron Horse, 1068 North US 1, Ormond Beach.

Progressive International Motorcycle Show at the Ocean Center,  101 N. Atlantic Ave. - March 14 to 17 featured the Ultimate Builder Custom Bike United States Championship, affiliated with the AMD World Championship Competition. There were Smage Brothers Stunt Shows every afternoon, and  "A Century of Motorcycling" historic bike display presented by Motorcycle Magazine. Staff from the National Motorcycle Museum was on hand to answer questions and relive stories of the historic bikes on display. The show floor was open Wednesday, March 14, from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.; Thursday, March 15, 11 am – 7 pm; Friday, March 16, 11 am – 7 pm; Saturday, March 17, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. 

Saturday, March 17 • Paul Teutul, Jr. of the Discovery Channel hit show "Senior Vs Junior American Chopper" unveiled a new custom bike and filmed an all-new American Chopper TV show that debuts March 26th on the Discovery Channel.

Victory Motorcycle demo rides weree open all week at Daytona International Speedway.Tuesday, March 13th, Big Engine was in concert for a Victory Motorcycle Bike Night at Dirty Harry's on Main Street.

Wednesday, March 14th was the 3rd Annual Victory Custom Bike Show at Volusia Motorsports, 1701 State Road 44, New Smyrna Beach.

Friday, March 16th, Victory owners rode with Zach Ness. Kickstands up at 10am from Volusia Motorsports. The ride ends at Halifax Harbor Marina, where Victory owners are invited to a luncheon from noon to 2pm at the Blue Grotto.

Thursday, March 15th - Bike Builders Dave Perewitz and Paul Yaffe played host to this year's Biker Fusion "Salute to the Troops" benefit, 7 to 10pm at  Dog House Bar & Grill on Main Street that featured a live auction, entertainment and a number of great bikes from an impressive line-up of builders, moto-journalists and industry notables. 100% of the proceeds went to Soldiers' Angels, a volunteer-led non-profit that provides aid and comfort to active servicemen and women of the US military, as well as veterans and their families.


Thursday, March 15th, Willie's Tropical Tattoo Old School Chopper Time Show at 824 S. Younge St. Ormond Beach. (click link for photos and details.) 
One of the biggest crowds, ever turned out for the 2012 Chopper Time bike show. Three bands performed this year: The Dirty Chucks, Hair of the Beast and The Kings. Bigger every year, excellent bobbers, choppers and rats, hot rods and hip place to spend the day: The lot is always packed, and is always a great "adult" party time, with BBQ and cheap beer -- noon to 4pm on the last Thursday.

Friday, March 16th, the 22nd Boardwalk Classic Bike Show @ Oceanside boardwalk at Main Street.
- 20 classes from domestic to metric with 50 trophies. Call Bill Chaffin at 386.871.0398.


Saturday, March 17th - the World Famous Rat's Hole Custom Bike Show celebrated a 40th anniversary at Daytona Bike Week with an all-day show at Daytona Lagoon: 601 Earl Street (north side of the Ocean Center.) Trophies in 23 classes. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Poll : Free Parking for our Veterans all year round?

In Barrie, Ontario Veterans can park at all on-street parking meters and all municapally-owned off street metered parking lots for the maximum time allowed. One condition is that the Veterans vehicle display a valid veteran licence plate which are available to the provinces license issuing offices.

While some cities offer free parking to Veterans with plate all year round some cities only permit this on  Remembrance Day in Canada and Memorial Day weekend in the United States.

Living in Calgary, Alberta I know we have the highest average for parking in all of Canada and I'm sure most of our veterans could not afford up to $30.00 a day in some downtown parking lots or even the basic meter lots.

Please take a moment to take part in our poll.

Do you think parking should be free for our Veterans in all downtown cores and municipal parking lots all year round and not just on military related events?

Do you think parking should be free for Veterans in all downtown cores and municipal parking lots? free polls 


Not sure what it is, other than the result of playing around in Photoshop for an hour or so. Obviously the title does not refer to the DC Comics character of the same name. I am happy with the color palette, which is a bit more desaturated than usual.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Supercross - Toronto

On Saturday March 24th, 2012 SUPERCROSS is coming to the Rogers Center in Toronto and we are giving away THREE family passes of four tickets to our group members on this Friday March 9th.  Over 300 members have emailed me and told me that if they win to give them to a military family which is awesome and we've had over 100 military families enter.

More good news, ANY member of our Facebook page whether you are military or a supporter of our troops can go see this event for $20.00 using the discount code SCROSS on the ticket master web page



If we had to define Godoy Machines we would use the following words:

Education, Innovation, Function and Direction.

Lets break down the industry into groups in order to better understand the motivation behind Godoy Machines.

*A Client who needs a tattoo, well done of course but they have no artistic ability nor knowledge of how tattooing works...pain factor, technique, machine function, sterilization proceedures, time it will take to apply, care instructions...WE HAVE TO CATER TO THEM, THEY FEED US...and REGARDLESS HOW MUCH THEY ANNOY YOU, THEY DESERVE THE BEST YOU CAN GIVE THEM.

-----We tattoo daily so we understand their insecurites and needs ...we were all clients once-----

*Artists in need of products to apply the tattoo...artists of various technical and artistic levels are consumers...all of us are buying ink, needles tubes, machines and disposables/throw aways (paper towels, bandages, skin cleansers etc)...ALL THE WHILE RELYING ON THE SUPPLIER TO PROVIDE US WITH THE NECESSITIES TO APPLY THE TATTOO in an efficient, hygenic way...Some artists with all the blind faith in the world trust the suppliers to provide quality products such, especially MACHINES...Some artists are so egotistical that they will DENY any education regarding technique or machine function as they ignorantly raise their glasses to toast an obsolete generation of old men who may have "pioneered" the art of tattooing AND never advanced it. Education NEVER hurt anyone.*

---------We tattoo daily and believe in the advancement of tattooing... artistically, socially, technically... with no limits.

Tattoo by Steve

Tattoo by Art

*Suppliers who PROVIDE all these "useful" things to artists YET have NO CLUE about machine function AND whose main goal is to pull in money in order to liquidate readily available hyped products with no regard for what defines true quality...sometimes taking back used machines covered in biohazard and replacing them with a new one due to their and the clients lack of knowledge pertaining to machine function. These people come in different levels aswell...the "kit salesmen", the businessman who buys cheap Chinese machines and re-sells them, the corporate distributor who sells every machine "brand" and doesn't realize that they all look alike and have the SAME components as eachother.

-----We scrutinize all of our suppliers and have a long check list of demands and criteria they must follow in order to carry our machines...thats why Godoy Machines are hard to find in the mainstream industry...also thats why we have the best and highest quality innovative machines available to only professional tattoo artists-----

*Machine manufacturers who...

1-Don't tattoo, can barely tattoo or aren't artistically current enough to apply today's artistic demands onto skin.

2-Builders who copy eachother's recipies..derived from copying a guy who copied another guy who copied another guy...and so on for the last century...with no actual knowledge of each part assembled on the machine and its function...guided myths,superstitions AND misinformation.

3-Manufacturers/machinists who jump into this industry to profit...knowing that because its NOT REGULATED by the artists involved...they can sell to em...easy money.
It's impossible to regulate this entire industry BUT we can regulate ourselves by educating ourselves and spreading the knowledge and ethics behind what we do in order to avoid intruders selling us hyped machines or buying from egotistical "jump on the bandwagon no talent havin' machine building clowns" who truthfully are just happy that the machine makes a noise and the a-bar goes up and down....TRUTH IS: WITH MACHINE EDUCATION WE CAN BUY ANY MACHINE AND WITH SOME PRACTICE... REBUILD, RETUNE AND REFINE IT.

4-Ex tattoo artists with hyped up names whose low end products are being sold by non tattooed sales reps to tattoo artists...while they enjoy the money the hype brings em.

-----We do not support hacks in tattooing nor in machine manufacturing...we do not buy the hype and do not name drop...we are for the people, we believe everyone has the right to machine education and do not buy into the old "secret society" machine thing...the thruth is THEY NEVER KNEW MACHINE FUNCTION and STILL DON'T-----

WHO ARE YOU GONNA SUPPORT AND WHERE DO YOU FIT IN??'s a little story of an encounter this past weekend at Musink Tattoo convention...
Sittin at the Godoy Machines come 3 guys interested in our guys TELLS me, just by looking at our machines in the class cases that they look like "whip shaders" or "color packers"...I asked "WHAT ? Are you SERIOUS???"...Realizing that i had to have EXTRA PATIENCE with this guy ...i calmed down to hear him out, if anything...for entertainment value...He had one arm sleeved with new below average stuff and nothing on any other visible part of his body...i would say he barely had 3-5 years in this business unlike Art and my 27 years each. This guy claimed to be a machine builder and tried hard to compare himself and put himself at OUR LEVEL...I had to laugh and put him in his place with science, physics and FACTS...Now...whats the moral here???


There are a million clowns like him roaming around...preaching to anyone who will listen.
We all know there are tattoo artists of different artistic and experience levels out there as well as new ones comin into the industry every day...with or without apprenticeships.

Like it or not, to anyone NOT involved in tattooing, we are and will be associated with them. we are...between a rock and a hard place i would say...SO lets EDUCATE them AND ourselves in order to breed a new strong generation to stamp out the "old ignorant, irrelevant ego driven one"...sounds GOOD right???

Well...We here at Godoy Machines have laid out a business based on advancement of tattooing through INNOVATIONS on electromagnetic machines that will facilitate tattoo application and technique with Patented machine systems assembled and designed for true FUNCTION while promoting EDUACTION on this subject as WE wrote 'Tattoo Machines and Their Secrets' an industry text book available in various languages with countless benefits for any tattoo artist with little or no experience to master artists with many years under their belt ,who understand that technique and quality tattoo application comes directly from machine function...
WE teach seminars globally in order to better the industry!!!

Here we are in Italy - 140 people.

All this finally gives us our DIRECTION...

We keep innovating our machines, constantly improving their performance!! New components, features, advancements and designs... ALWAYS!!

WE teach true machine function with the ONLY TRULY EFFECTIVE SEMINAR OFFERED to ALL artists of ALL levels ALL over the world...We still tattoo AND understand an artists needs, therefore our customer service is unbeatable.

NOT for the substandard asshole.