Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kintaro - not quite completed (Horimatsu)

This piece is in fact finnished, but I have not photographed it properly yet. Here some of the colours are still missing. I was really fun and interesting to work with a Kintaro design that did not depict him in water wrestling the koi. There are so much more to choose from when it comes to Kintaro designs. All one has to do is do proper research into Ukiyo-e.

I can not stress this enough - if you want to be able to create proper Irezumi there is no way you can get around studying. This means reading book upon book on japanese culture and history, until the lines of evidence converge in such a way that you can be shure of what you are doing in your Irezumi.

Irezumi demands total dedication. Always keep that in mind. For the westerner that do not have the opportunity to learn from a Japanese master, all that remains is study, study, study. And to never give up, of course.

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