Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Highway Of Heroes

On August 24th, 2007 the stretch of highway from Trenton, Ontario to Toronto, Ontario was renamed The Highway Of Heroes. Before this stretch of highway was renamed, normal civilians, veterans, soldiers, friends and family would line the overpasses from Trenton to Toronto and pay our respects to our fallen heroes. I personally was able to attend four of these processions when I lived in Ontario and it is truly something that has to be experienced first hand to put in to words. Sometimes it was in -20 Celsius temperatures but you think to yourself these men and women go through so much more the least we can do is stand in cold temperatures to give them our thoughts and prayers as they take the drive to their final resting place.

"As a very proud Canadian, it warms my heart that so many other Canadians take time out of their busy lives to stand and salute as our fallen soldiers are taken to their final resting places. It is truly a show of appreciation and respect for those brave men and women. I salute all soldiers, present and past."- Chris Stevens, Toronto

"All I can truly say, at a time where our family was at our lowest, and feeling completely lost, we felt some warmth and uplifting feeling. WE could not believe the courtesy everyone was giving out of respect for Prescott. There were so many signs and flags of Saskatchewan riders, and UK flags. It was amazing. We were truly uplifted. We cried. We were so proud of Canadians, that came out to see and support the troops even the fallen ones. I remember his son asking "Why are all those people standing on the bridges?" We said, "to honor your daddy, because he was a true hero, then he said, oh, but if he was a hero, why didn't anyone save him and bring him home. We said he is home, but he is watching over you, like your own personal guardian angel." -Samantha Shipway Beausoleil Sister of fallen hero Sgt Prescott Shipway KIA Sept 7th, 2008

"As a former infantry soldier I cant believe the patriotism shared by the people who line route 401 otherwise coined "Highway of Heroes" it is amazing to see the support for our boys and girls, mothers and fathers aunts and uncles brothers and sisters nephews and nieces and cousins for putting their safety on the line for our security every day."-Nigel Pritchard, frmr Cal High Calgary, AB

"What a remarkable feeling it was despite the circumstances, my family went on that trip and it was awesome to see all the support out there, And I know Brian was watching and he would of loved all the same"-Steve Good, Brother of Fallen Hero Trooper Brian Richard Good KIA January 7th, 2009 while serving his country in Afghanistan
Canadian Recording artists "The Trews" wrote a song about The Highway Of Heroes

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