Friday, April 30, 2010

We started the week off by celebrating Katy's Birthday. She got a rad piece by TJ that turned out epic. Here are some of the photos from Her Birthday

The one and only Katy Irish!!!

Katy getting work done by TJ

Final product.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO. (photos by Juan)

Why do we do what we do?... there are several reasons we do what we do, the way we do it...

We tattoo all day... work really hard because we have fun at work, we challenge ourselves daily so that we can be more versatile, creative and technically advanced...

We do great work, like this unreal piece (below) by Mark. We feed off of each other's creativity and are stoked when we do really cool tattoos. This inspires us to be the best we can be.

We do it so that we have stories to tell. Think this one in the works (below) that Sasha is dealing with is gonna be a good one??? I think it definitely has possibilities... we talk laugh all day long, the conversation and the stories are endless.

That look on Sasha's face says it all!! Finally, after a long week... we get to reward ourselves with... MEAT... brisket, sausages, pulled pork, ribs, rib ends, fries, cornish game hen, fries, potato salad, beans, cole slaw, barbecue sauce... pecan pie for desert!!!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Congrats Jack Mcintyre and top model, Michelle Laksh!
The New Star Studios in Philadelphia & New BIKERPICS.ORG!

The Worlds Greatest Biker E Magazine

I have long been a fan of Jack Mcintyre's Photography! So it is with double pleasure that I can announce, "Motorcycle Event News" - - is the ONLY event news feed on the new BIKERPICS.ORG  E-Magazine.

These are the incredibly talented professionals that I turn to whenever I need something special put together for a client to promote a brand, event or new product in the motorcycle industry... and Jack can usually create an event flyer or calender in 15 minutes or less! Seriously...
When it came to finding a studio assistant, who could model daily at the new Star Studios in Philly, Michelle Laksh was Jack's first choice. "She is the best model I have ever worked with in terms of pure beauty and knowing how to get the shot right the first time," he said.

Michelle has been working with Jack Mcintyre for several years -- and she has been to more rallies than most bikers! Her images are extensive and show her versatility as a model, working at events all over Philly and at bike rallies from Daytona Beach to Sturgis. In fact, her image went out on 500,000 WMMR Radio Station, Philadelphia Calendars in 2008. And her image has graced many custom bikes and other products across the country...

JOIN THE CELEBRATION - You can have an 11 x 17 Poster of Michelle - Click & Download - FREE!

The Worlds Greatest Biker E Magazine


A few years ago, a repeat client of mine walked into the shop seeming quite disoriented, which was unusual for him. he shows me a geometric design he wanted to have tattooed and asked for a price quote, all twitchy like.

i could tell by the psychotic glint in his eyes and his self-inflicted rantings that he was off of whatever meds he was supposed to be on. i quoted him the minimum charge and he proceeds to dig around in his pocket. he procures a bunch of twigs, leaves and bottle caps. he tells me that they are magical and sacred and wants to know if he can trade them for the tattoo.

at this point i have to giggle to myself and when i tell him no he continues to tell me how powerful they are and that he got them from a shaman. i tell the guy "cash only" and feeling defeated & possibly realising the lack of monetary value, he gives me the sticks, leaves and bottle caps because he "wants me to have them" and he leaves the shop. i actually kept them for like a year, cause they made me giggle every time i saw them, so in a way i guess they were kinda magical.

now, off-handedly in our discourse i made the mistake of complimenting dude on his dope vintage leather jacket. so half an hour later he comes back to the shop wanting to know if i would trade the jacket for the tattoo. i woulda come out on top on this deal and it WAS a tempting offer, but i just couldn't bring myself to take advantage of the guy in his debilitated state. i was kinda hoping that he would see the lack of monetary value in his jacket and give that to me in defeat also.

i learnt that day that i do have morals and that no matter how hard i tried i would never be able to pay my rent with sticks, but at least i could make a fire, adorn myself in leaves and drink out of battle caps. i always get the crazy ones.

Bikers Inner Circle - Frog Jumps Bash

Fans of the Charlie Brechtel Band & Bikers Inner Circle will once again pack Lake Tulloch Resort in Northern California - May 14 & 15th for a weekend that is all about biker music & fun!

Full Bar, Swimming pool, Lake, Rooms, Food, Vendors & Bands, Tattoo Contest, Biker Games and the almost famous Bikini Contest! BOOK YOUR ROOM ASAP! 2 night minimum  (209) 785-8200

Beautiful Girl Flower Tattoos

Girls Flower Tattoos

Best Tattoos Design:
Beautiful Girls Flower Tattoos

if you talk about beauty, don't forget to talk about flowers, because flowers is the symbol of beauty. also in tattoos world, flowers is also becomes a symbol of beauty tattoos. Flower tattoos design will make everyone who uses it will be looked very beautiful, especially a girl. here are pictures of flower tattoos designs.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kimmy Cruz, "Bikers Are The BOMB!!!"

This is the "Official Blog" for Kimmy Cruz ... on the road to the biggest, baddest rallies in the USA - You can check out her totally awesome NEW website at

SIK - The Texas Home Grown Metal band from Dallas, Fort Worth sets the stage for an experience that is off the chain... to say the least.

Maybe you know Kimmy Cruz from Daytona Bike Week, Arizona Bike Week, Bike Blues & BBQ in her native Arkansas, or Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

"This is my 10th year working as a promoter, model, photographer and bartender, and I love it," said Kimmy, who will be at 20 rallies this year.

Interview with Tattoo Artist Brian Basabe

Heres a piece from a while back featuring our very own Brian Basabe.

Interview with Tattoo Artist Brian Basabe

Sketchbook 017


Just some examples of what's going on lately. Some really cool pieces are happening in the shop. Here, of course are some samples of realism. Both done by Art...

FINALLY, after the Canada Line construction, which took 2 years, the "recession", the Olympics... and a rainy winter, things are picking up again. We're pretty lucky to have the Canada Line train running under our street but during it's construction, things were pretty dismal. The street was torn up from one side to the other. Foot traffic was a thing of the past. The waiting area of the shop which was as busy as a single's bar was completely dead. No cars were able to travel down the side streets, or even park in the neighborhoods due to pipe replacement.

I remember working late one night, til about midnight and hearing a loud rumbling sound accompanied by a real foul smell. I bandaged my client and went outside to see what was up. As I looked into the trench which has now been replaced by Cambie Street again, I saw a pipe puking out, what looked like a brown spray of human turds and sewer juice! The next morning, as I showed up for an early appointment, it was sealed up and the smell was gone. The city handled it pretty quickly!

Everyone at the shop is busy right now... even Fester is starting to go. Get down here!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Heres the Crew.

Below is the Full Crew we have at the shop currently. We are stoked on the line up and the vibe we have going. Stop by and let us work our magic you won't be disapointed.






Weekend Fun

We had a good solid start to our weekend. First our homie and Client Justin Sweat stopped by for a minute. Then we headed out to the Front Door for some bomb-ass drinks and food.

We are stoked on how busy we have been the past few weeks. Here are a few pieces that walked out of the doors of Nobody's Hero this weekend.

Nobody's Hero Tattoo

This is the new Nobody's Hero Tattoo Official Blog. We will be keeping you up to date with events, Tattoos, Piercings, Deals & Specials, Merch and other nonsense here. Thanks for checking it out and contact us if you have any questions.


I (ART) started tattooing Julia in 1991 in Newport Beach California. She walked in one day without any tattoos, hoping to get some relief from a skin condition which was a side effect of her liver producing too much iron for her blood. The skin condition manifested itself in the form of blisters which were as deep as 3rd degree burns. They commonly show up on the hands and face mostly but other body parts were affected. She made an appointment to start tattooing her body suit for the following week. Twice a week for the next 7 years and about 2300 hours later, she was the most tattooed woman in the world. I moved to Canada in about 1998 and my brother Steve took over where I left off. We have appeared on the Guiness Prime time TV show, You Asked for It, Ripley's Believe it or not, Pro Sieben TV (Germany)... and many more.

Recently, she was in Milan where she was AGAIN voted most tattooed woman. There have been several contenders but none with the coverage she has. I look at her photos and it's hard to believe that she was my project...and my brother's, and we feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to opportunity to tattoo her, to have had the recognition we have had and at the same time, be able to restore confidence and happiness in Julia's life, by putting images on her skin which she loves to look at everyday instead of blisters and the scars they leave.

People judge all the time but they don't know her story. If I was in her shoes, I would do the same thing. When experimental medication causes blindness, when dermabrasions and chemical peels only left scars... when doctors said there was NO treatment available which would end this condition, tattooing saved her sanity & happiness. I have had one well known local artist tell me that what I did was "wrong" and that he wouldn't want to "contribute to another person's nightmare". How can this be considered a nightmare when she smiles everyday, now knows Quincy Jones, has been asked by Aerosmith to appear in the "Pink" video, she gets paid for TV appearances, she is flown all over the world - all expenses paid, to show herself off... and all because she wanted to remedy a condition which NOBODY could treat, except tattooing.